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Is vaping going to mess me up?

What do you do bro you a copper? ;)
I've actually been trying to do this for avoid while mate I try to break into vaping but with the usual stress and strains of life I find things very hard to cope let alone give up smoking but with all the trouble breathing (tests been done thry say it's in my head bit I font feel it it) I feel I must do it soon before its too late. and thanks I have been lurking and learning for a while which I hope shows everyone I really do want to do this or I would not have the interest to learn. Just a very broken guy nowadays tbh and am desperate to make a change so I hopefully see a change but I'm my worst enemy as I find it hard for reasons previously stated mate
No bud i work in pest control but I resolve the long term stubborn pest issues that others have failed to resolve.
Just need a methodical audit like approach and the ability to problem solve.
Reverse your thinking bud and panic about what you are doing and not what you're not.
No bud i work in pest control but I resolve the long term stubborn pest issues that others have failed to resolve.
Just need a methodical audit like approach and the ability to problem solve.
Reverse your thinking bud and panic about what you are doing and not what you're not.

Any advice for finding where the ants are coming from in the garden ;)... Yeh mate I really hope soon il be looking back at these convos wondering what I was ever worried about... Thats the dream anyway mate
The worst thing you can do for your asthma is smoke. You already said it's currently bad. Stop smoking whilst you still can and before you do serious irreparable damage.
Any advice for finding where the ants are coming from in the garden ;)... Yeh mate I really hope soon il be looking back at these convos wondering what I was ever worried about... Thats the dream anyway mate
Have you and the medics explored the chemical side of your anxiety?
I've always thought sustained anxiety (and forgive me if I'm talking shite) was a result of over active adrenal glands.
The worst thing you can do for your asthma is smoke. You already said it's currently bad. Stop smoking whilst you still can and before you do serious irreparable damage.

I appreciate the no no nonsense approach bro and you are correct in what you say....just wish life was that easy for me
Lol I like the humour bro :)... Yeh when I was at my worst I barely left the house only making myself worse. I think that's what il probably end up doing, vaping in the day a bit to get used to the feeling before eventually replacing the evening smoke too. What helped you get over your issues bro? (if yiu have that is)

I’m not over my issues, I’m just coping with them better. At the time, the psychiatric team from my local hospital helped keep me from completely falling to pieces. Family and friends pitched in so I didn’t lose contact with the world totally, and I joined POTV. I take heavy duty tranquilisers because my nerves are shot to shit, but I’m back at work and I’m not smoking myself to death. I started by surprising myself and managing to not smoke for a few hours. I got a bit more confident with the ecig (I also had one sat in a box for months) and found that I was managing to only smoke 2-4 a day. Then, when I had half a packet of tobacco left, I thought to myself “I think I can actually do this!” and made the incredibly frightening decision to not buy more. Like @Simon G I thought I’d die a smoker, but I’ve changed that, and considering my situation at the time, I had a very alien small feeling of being proud of myself.

You can do it. There are many people here who can relate to your situation, and will support you through it. I would say that you need a tank though, not an RDA to start with. You don’t need the added complication of trying to build your own coils when you’re just starting out. Focus on getting off tobacco and overcoming your fear, try rebuildables at a later date. And, not meaning to be rude, there are female vapers here too, please don’t call us bro ;)
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Have you and the medics explored the chemical side of your anxiety?
I've always thought sustained anxiety (and forgive me if I'm talking shite) was a result of over active adrenal glands.

You know what bro first of all I tried a drug called sertraline but had a bad reaction to it I think still managed to drive to the docs lile it but I was boiling hot and shaking.
I'm on mertazipine now fir the depression and maybe helps a little with evening anxiety but not in the day. But thwt might be something worth looking into man il mention it on my next visit
I appreciate the no no nonsense approach bro and you are correct in what you say....just wish life was that easy for me
I know it's not easy mate. My wife has asthma and we both smoked like chimneys. I smoked for 25 years from age 12. It took for her to have two serious life threatening attacks and for her to go into respiratory arrest and turn blue with me having to give CPR for 5 minutes to keep her alive until the ambulance arrived to make us both finally quit. The difference after she quit was night and day. She was on steroids practically every other month. She hasn't needed a course now in over a year. Smoking aggravates asthma badly. Even when you think it's under control an attack is just around the corner. Best thing you'll ever do is stop smoking. Asthma is no joke. Add smoking and its a ticking time bomb. Wish you nothing but the best and good luck quiting. You'll get there. You're already thinking about it so you're on the right path.
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No bud i work in pest control but I resolve the long term stubborn pest issues that others have failed to resolve.

Can you get yourself over to Chester,please? We’ve been trying to evict the feckin pigeons for about 4 years now :angrymob:
I’m not over my issues, I’m just coping with them better. At the time, the psychiatric team from my local hospital helped keep me from completely falling to pieces. Family and friends pitched in so I didn’t lose contact with the world totally, and I joined POTV. I take heavy duty tranquilisers because my nerves are shot to shit, but I’m back at work and I’m not smoking myself to death. I started by surprising myself and managing to not smoke for a few hours. I got a bit more confident with the ecig (I also had one sat in a box for months) and found that I was managing to only smoke 2-4 a day. Then, when I had half a packet of tobacco left, I thought to myself “I think I can actually do this!” and make an incredibly frightening decision to not buy more. Like @Simon G I thought I’d die a smoker, but I’ve changed that, and considering my situation at the time, I had a very alien small feeling of being proud of myself.

You can do it. There are many people here who can relate to your situation, and will support you through it. I would say that you need a tank though, not an RDA to start with. You don’t need the added complication of trying to build your own coils when you’re just starting out. Focus on getting off tobacco and overcoming your fear, try rebuildables at a later date. And, not meaning to be rude, there are female vapers here too, please don’t call us bro ;)

You've had quite the journey fair shout in having the courage to do it...this is what I need to hear about to help me along.
Did you start just in the day? Coz I font know about you but my anxiety was usually worse in the evenings.
And please don't think I mean anything select by it I call all my friends bro whatever the sex just kinda rolls off my tongue nowadays bro ;)
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