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Is vaping going to mess me up?

I bought some juice and justmade it to 1.5 mg strength so it wouldn't be too harsh for me and put me off. After a hit or 2 and the panic after I just gave my mate the juice... I think he just added another nic shot to take it to 4.5mg but I didn't want to try that stong

Why are you worrying about nicotine? 1.5mg is next to nothing (almost literally) cigarettes have around 12 or 15mg in them which means at 1.5mg you'd need to vape 10ml a time to replace every cigarette during the day. If you smoke 20 a day you'll be guzzling 200ml of e-liquid. It doesn't work out exactly like this but I don't think this would be the best way to stop smoking for most people. If you aren't getting enough you will almost certainly experience nicotine withdrawal and that's not going to help with your anxiety.
Why are you worrying about nicotine? 1.5mg is next to nothing (almost literally) cigarettes have around 12 or 15mg in them which means at 1.5mg you'd need to vape 10ml a time to replace every cigarette during the day. If you smoke 20 a day you'll be guzzling 200ml of e-liquid. It doesn't work out exactly like this but I don't think this would be the best way to stop smoking for most people. If you aren't getting enough you will almost certainly experience nicotine withdrawal and that's not going to help with your anxiety.

I dont mean 1.5mg is what I'd be looking to move too but just to try something I wanted to just add a little nicotine so I don't have a massive harsh hit and out myself off you know?
Hi @Vapeguy1990 ive just read this from the beginning and have a couple of questions bud.
You were smoking for 11 years and are 29 now but you say you were smoking at 15.
Did you have a break somewhere in the middle?
And curious how you've been wording things but it just maybe fast typing but just curious Is english your first language?
Hi @Vapeguy1990 ive just read this from the beginning and have a couple of questions bud.
You were smoking for 11 years and are 29 now but you say you were smoking at 15.
Did you have a break somewhere in the middle?
And curious how you've been wording things but it just maybe fast typing but just curious Is english your first language?

Hey bro thanks for taking the time to read. Lol Yeh mate English is my first language but my keypad in phone is a nightmare I also hate predictive text. I started smoking when I was 15 but I wouldn't say I was a smoke then as such due to not really having the income at that age to support it, full time I was probably 16/17 I did actually havd a year off as I was very ill at one point. I may have miss judged how long I've been smoking so may even be more than 11 bro
I haven’t been able to read all replies, so sorry if I’m repeating something already suggested. I don’t have asthma, but I’m an expert Worrier. Like Ninja-level Worrier :assassin:When I started vaping, I hadn’t left my flat in 3 months, I was agoraphobic. I was a gibbering mess and was frightened of my own shadow. The thought of being without tobacco completely made me panic, and yet I was doing little but smoke myself to death. So I got a vape ‘just to try and cut down’. If you’re a panicker, don’t put extra pressure on yourself to quit straight away, keep some tobacco/cigs on hand to start with. Give it a go and see if you can cut right down ... then commit to quitting completely once you’ve adapted to using the vape.
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Hey bro thanks for taking the time to read. Lol Yeh mate English is my first language but my keypad in phone is a nightmare I also hate predictive text. I started smoking when I was 15 but I wouldn't say I was a smoke then as such due to not really having the income at that age to support it, full time I was probably 16/17 I did actually havd a year off as I was very ill at one point. I may have miss judged how long I've been smoking so may even be more than 11 bro
Okay bud I'm the suspicious one on here and due to my job I'm sometimes to meticulous to the point I've even read the nine pages twice.
At one point i thought you were an existing member thats made a new account just for laughs cos you do seem to know a lot about vaping for a complete novice.

Smoking coats the lungs with tar and other chemicals.
Mucus is present in the lungs to trap impurities.
Minute hairs on the lung walls and bronchial tracts enable the lungs to be able to expel the mucus.
Tar etc from fags clog up the hairs making it difficult to cough up the contaminated mucus and the longer you smoke the worse this will get.
When the lungs get to the point they cant eject the mucus build up it will lead to all of the ailments as mentioned in all of the posts above.
This is not a matter of if it's a matter of when.
I haven’t been able to read all replies, so sorry if I’m repeating something already suggested. I don’t have asthma, but I’m an expert Worrier. Like Ninja-level Worrier :assassin:When I started vaping, I hadn’t left my flat in 3 months, I was agoraphobic. I was a gibbering mess and was frightened of my own shadow. The thought of being without tobacco completely made me panic, and yet I was doing little but smoke myself to death. So I got a vape ‘just to try and cut down’. If you’re a panicker, don’t put extra pressure on yourself to quit straight away, keep some tobacco/cigs to hand to start with. Give it a go and see if you can cut right down ... then commit to quitting completely once you’ve adapted to using the vape.

Lol I like the humour bro :)... Yeh when I was at my worst I barely left the house only making myself worse. I think that's what il probably end up doing, vaping in the day a bit to get used to the feeling before eventually replacing the evening smoke too. What helped you get over your issues bro? (if yiu have that is)
Okay bud I'm the suspicious one on here and due to my job I'm sometimes to meticulous to the point I've even read the nine pages twice.
At one point i thought you were an existing member thats made a new account just for laughs cos you do seem to know a lot about vaping for a complete novice.

Smoking coats the lungs with tar and other chemicals.
Mucus is present in the lungs to trap impurities.
Minute hairs on the lung walls and bronchial tracts enable the lungs to be able to expel the mucus.
Tar etc from fags clog up the hairs making it difficult to cough up the contaminated mucus and the longer you smoke the worse this will get.
When the lungs get to the point they cant eject the mucus build up it will lead to all of the ailments as mentioned in all of the posts above.
This is not a matter of if it's a matter of when.

What do you do bro you a copper? ;)
I've actually been trying to do this for avoid while mate I try to break into vaping but with the usual stress and strains of life I find things very hard to cope let alone give up smoking but with all the trouble breathing (tests been done thry say it's in my head bit I font feel it it) I feel I must do it soon before its too late. and thanks I have been lurking and learning for a while which I hope shows everyone I really do want to do this or I would not have the interest to learn. Just a very broken guy nowadays tbh and am desperate to make a change so I hopefully see a change but I'm my worst enemy as I find it hard for reasons previously stated mate
Jings, crivens ....help ma boab.....Im worried I've no got a worry.....Im away tae get one....

Edit: Got one.....Cotton.....sometimes it's not white...if it is white.... why is it so white....the non white cotton is usually square...how the fk can that be..:D
Jings, crivens ....help ma boab.....Im worried I've no got a worry.....Im away tae get one....

Edit: Got one.....Cotton.....sometimes it's not white...if it is white.... why is it so white....the non white cotton is usually square...how the fk can that be..:D

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