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Is vaping going to mess me up?

Yeh they're definitely rare and I'd expect nothing but my luck is soo rubbish I can just imagine something like that getting in my way. Do you have any idea what the best/most likely not to cause a reaction coil metal to go with? I've done a fair bit of research into this and a lot seem to say clapton made of kanthal wire???

again, I don't know of any cases where people have had a serious reaction to using a particular type of wire. They are all considered low risk and that's why they are used. (as long as they are being used in the right way)
So I've had the odd puff when I was curious on friends vapes and after having a bit on them I actually went and got something as I know vaping is what I want to do. But as I've had worries it's just sat in a box brand new upstairs along with some high VG juice. I have a smok species with a rda tank bro
Best thing to do is experiment with your kit and eliquids..ask questions here that’s what I did and got great advice and switched from smoking 20 plus a day to vaping..it’s not easy but then again with advice it is..you have to commit to vaping and go for it..experiment etc..visit vape shops try their kit..try different eliquids..I did it at home with great help and advice here from fantastic members without who’s advice and help I would never have quit smoking..ask ask ask questions a mega patient bunch here..
Hi and welcome :)
I'm the opposite to you in a way. I'm a 37 year smoker. Last winter I had a massive chest infection that stopped me being able to take a decent breathe, was in hospital, I couldnt lie down for weeks without getting breathless, was on 2 lots of antibios, steds...you know the drill. I quit straight off. Seriously frightened the crap out of me. Im paranoid about getting another chest infection now because Ive got a case of mild COPD (bloody lucky is that). So, yes I totally get your worry.

But, every day I vape and dont smoke I feel healthier, more energetic. I havent needed an inhaler for weeks. I can take a deep breath, I can run after my granddaughter.

Please at least try it, please dont let the scare stories put you off. I genuinely feel like Ive been given at least a try at a second chance to enjoy a longer life and that is down to a chest infection made so much worse by smoking which stopped me cold. It was killing me.

And this place is an amazing bolt hole no matter how bad or good your day is. I honestly feel like Ive made friends here. We do know the score, because most of us have been where you are.
This is only a question, and I'm not trying to coerce you but don't you think something that can replicate and replace your current smoking habit might work better for you?

Not at all its a valid question however
I don't really like the mtl style Vapes, whereas when I took a big draw on a rda with airflow slightly closed it gave a nice draw...flavour was lovely too...but minutes later I did feel a bit panicky
Not at all its a valid question however
I don't really like the mtl style Vapes, whereas when I took a big draw on a rda with airflow slightly closed it gave a nice draw...flavour was lovely too...but minutes later I did feel a bit panicky
Do you know the strength of nicotine that was in the liquid?
So it’s a rebuildable dripper? I’m guessing it’s going to be direct lung also?
Personally I’d recommend something a little more tame to start with. Something mtl perhaps so you’re not taking massive amounts of vapour when you start off?

Yeh I tried someone's mtl but didn't like it bro, I find the rda with airflow reduced better...which I know is strange as the mtl replicate taking a cig far better. But I like the hoot of a rda mate
Not at all its a valid question however
I don't really like the mtl style Vapes, whereas when I took a big draw on a rda with airflow slightly closed it gave a nice draw...flavour was lovely too...but minutes later I did feel a bit panicky

What nic level was in the rda?
Sound a bit like nic sick

one BIG plus..once you find your “happy with vape’ you will start seeing the savings..
I have saved about 4 grand since quitting..mind you spent a bloody fortune on vape related stuff but hey no pain no gain..good thing is once you reach your vaping happiness the savings are incredible..I’ve been smoke free now for 18 months and still flabbergasted by the amount of money I have saved..
Yeh I tried someone's mtl but didn't like it bro, I find the rda with airflow reduced better...which I know is strange as the mtl replicate taking a cig far better. But I like the hoot of a rda mate
That’s fair enough. What worries me and I guess us is that you’re worried about vaping but want to start by taking in huge amounts of it. Doesn’t quite add up to me. Now preferring dl to mtl is fair enough and we all like different things but I would say that many people who are given mtl devices to use are often given utter crap that isn’t actually intended for mtl. You’d be amazed at the levels of flavour you can get from a well sourced and fairly cheap mtl set up.
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