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Is vaping going to mess me up?

It seems strange to me that you're using concern over your breathing as a reason to NOT stop smoking.

Regarding the asthma, if you discover vaping is making it worse than tobacco (which I seriously doubt), you can always stop and go back to the smokes can't you?

That said, a month or so of dual fueling would allow you to isolate the effects of introducing vapour into your body, and removing tobacco smoke. It would also allow you to experiment and find a vape setup that will satisfactorily replace smoking for you. IMHO, an extra month or so of smoking isn't that much considering you've probably been doing it for years.

It's not an excuse bro it's fact...when I was 15 smoking away flat out I didn't suffer with the conditions I do now. Only for the last 3 years havd I been suffering with the mental side of things. I understand it doesn't make sense that I'm concerned and panicking about my breathing yet I continue to smoke.. It's where I have always smoked si am very comfortable around it, and as I said when I started smoking it was nothing coz I funny have the issues I do now.but now I get very worried about new things especially things around my breathing/lungs etc. Hope that helps you understand me a Lil better bro...used to be the strongest minded guy around till my mother died then I went a bit awol mentally...not that I chose to be lile this just woke up panicky one morning and been stuck like this since. Really gets me down I'm like this man so just trying everything I can to help myself. Thank God for you lots opinions advice as I find some comfort talking to others that have either been in sane situation (quite rare I know) or similar situations.
as I said and you can google this. If someone who has smoked for a long time stops their body goes haywire because its gotten used to all the poisons coming in to it. As for smoking and vaping it's probably not a good idea because both are different and the nic is ingested differently.so swapping between the two ways probably not good.
It's not an excuse bro it's fact...when I was 15 smoking away flat out I didn't suffer with the conditions I do now. Only for the last 3 years havd I been suffering with the mental side of things. I understand it doesn't make sense that I'm concerned and panicking about my breathing yet I continue to smoke.. It's where I have always smoked si am very comfortable around it, and as I said when I started smoking it was nothing coz I funny have the issues I do now.but now I get very worried about new things especially things around my breathing/lungs etc. Hope that helps you understand me a Lil better bro...used to be the strongest minded guy around till my mother died then I went a bit awol mentally...not that I chose to be lile this just woke up panicky one morning and been stuck like this since. Really gets me down I'm like this man so just trying everything I can to help myself. Thank God for you lots opinions advice as I find some comfort talking to others that have either been in sane situation (quite rare I know) or similar situations.

I didn't intend to give you a hard time. Just if you're concerned about your breathing, surely the best thing you can do is to give vaping a go instead of smoking.

And it's not a decision for life. You can always switch back if it doesn't suit you.

As an aside - and I may be totally wrong - but I read somewhere that e-liquid composition is not dissimilar to the stuff in asthma inhalers.
as I said and you can google this. If someone who has smoked for a long time stops their body goes haywire because its gotten used to all the poisons coming in to it. As for smoking and vaping it's probably not a good idea because both are different and the nic is ingested differently.so swapping between the two ways probably not good.

Yeh mate if yiu read the thread I have mentioned my understanding of this was just looking to chat to people who maybe have similar health issues and gow they have found things(I know everyone is different) but it helps me to talk and listen to others
Yeh mate if yiu read the thread I have mentioned my understanding of this was just looking to chat to people who maybe have similar health issues and gow they have found things(I know everyone is different) but it helps me to talk and listen to others

i had a sore tummy for 3 days after taking up vaping then it went away
I have combat ptsd with an anxiety and panic disorder..
I smoked since I was 12 I’m now 52 and stopped smoking 20+ a day with the help of the members on here and started vaping...I can not say I had any ill effects from switching only positive ones..
I stopped smoking and started vaping the same day..
it was not easy finding the right kit for me or the right eliquid but with the help and advice from members here I gave up smoking and started vaping and not looked back since and been smoke free now for 18 months with no relapse no sly cigarettes not a single drag...No ill effects nothing...I went from smoking to vaping over night with the help of great advice here..
It’s all about getting the kit that’s right for you and eliquid you like at a nicotine strength that suits you..I would think 12mg is a good place to start...be prepared to spend a few quid on kit and eliquids till you find what suits you..it has to suit you..ask questions on here till you get sorted..I did and got great advice and that advice was the reason I quit 20 cigarettes a day for 40 odd years..now smoke free and much better off financially..that’s one big thing I noticed I had extra money in my pocket..oh and feel brilliant and smug that I quit smoking after 20 a day for 40 odd years.
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This is probably the most personal thing I've ever written, it might give you something to think about.


You've only been smoking 11 years, don't leave it for 30 like I did. I know it's really hard to imagine yourself not smoking but you can do it. We all felt exactly the same as you and we all stopped thanks to vaping. If you have the right kit (for you) and you are getting enough nicotine there's no reason why you can't. It will probably be even be easier than you imagine. Once you've lost the taste for fags you'll be wondering how you ever smoked them.

You are far from alone. :)

Great write up, 100% agree with that.
My doc said in 2012...
"Still on the fags...? Knock them on the head, they WILL get you in the end".
It took 2 years to fester away and the jump to vaping was made in the blink of an eye.
Never looked back.
I didn't intend to give you a hard time. Just if you're concerned about your breathing, surely the best thing you can do is to give vaping a go instead of smoking.

And it's not a decision for life. You can always switch back if it doesn't suit you.

As an aside - and I may be totally wrong - but I read somewhere that e-liquid composition is not dissimilar to the stuff in asthma inhalers.

Your good bro, sorry if it came over as offended I totally got what yiu where saying and respected it.
Yeh I believe pg is in inhalers but I guess a squire or 2 from an inhaler would be quite a bit less pg then if I were sub homing some 70/30 etc. But if I was to have a bad reaction to pg I guess it would happen from inhalers?
Great write up, 100% agree with that.
My doc said in 2012...
"Still on the fags...? Knock them on the head, they WILL get you in the end".
It took 2 years to fester away and the jump to vaping was made in the blink of an eye.
Never looked back.

Congrats bro well done, did you suffer with any health issues before/ after the switch?
I have combat ptsd with an anxiety and panic disorder..
I smoked since I was 12 I’m now 52 and stopped smoking 20+ a day with the help of the members on here and started vaping...I can not say I had any ill effects from switching only positive ones..
I stopped smoking and started vaping the same day..
it was not easy finding the right kit for me or the right eliquid but with the help and advice from members here I gave up smoking and started vaping and not looked back since and been smoke free now for 18 months with no relapse no sly cigarettes not a single drag...No ill effects nothing...I went from smoking to vaping over night with the help of great advice here..
It’s all about getting the kit that’s right for you and eliquid you like at a nicotine strength that suits you..I would think 12mg is a good place to start...be prepared to spend a few quid on kit and eliquids till you find what suits you..it has to suit you..ask questions on here till you get sorted..I did and got great advice and that advice was the reason I quit 20 cigarettes a day for 40 odd years..now smoke free and much better off financially..that’s one big thing I noticed I had extra money in my pocket..oh and feel brilliant and smug that I quit smoking after 20 a day for 40 odd years.

Yeh mate its not nice isit? When yiu have panic attacks do yo find that you cannot breathe? Literally like your suffocating?
I went to 16 sessions of the most intense cbt and at the end they said my painless are too deep seated and I need something more which I'm still searching for. I never suffered mentally through my teens or early 20's and after the big event I was still fine for years and literary just woke up bad one day and been bad ever since.... I feel like something wrong with my lungs /breathing so much that ice been for countless scans and specialists convinced they'll find something just to be told as far as they can tell from tests /xrays I'm OK
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