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Is vaping going to mess me up?

This is probably the most personal thing I've ever written, it might give you something to think about.


You've only been smoking 11 years, don't leave it for 30 like I did. I know it's really hard to imagine yourself not smoking but you can do it. We all felt exactly the same as you and we all stopped thanks to vaping. If you have the right kit (for you) and you are getting enough nicotine there's no reason why you can't. It will probably be even be easier than you imagine. Once you've lost the taste for fags you'll be wondering how you ever smoked them.

You are far from alone. :)
That is a great blog post. :clapping:

...... and agreed. :)
This is probably the most personal thing I've ever written, it might give you something to think about.


You've only been smoking 11 years, don't leave it for 30 like I did. I know it's really hard to imagine yourself not smoking but you can do it. We all felt exactly the same as you and we all stopped thanks to vaping. If you have the right kit (for you) and you are getting enough nicotine there's no reason why you can't. It will probably be even be easier than you imagine. Once you've lost the taste for fags you'll be wondering how you ever smoked them.

You are far from alone. :)
Lovely write up
Why the desire to cut straight over? Perhaps it would help your anxiety to do it in a smooth transition period so you know what's involved and dispel any demons :)
Quit the smokes, switch to vape and commit to it. Don't dual fuel, don't celebrate cutting down ... your health will not improve if you continue to smoke.
You could work your way in gradually - start with unflavoured zero nic juice, then try it with flavours, then introduce the nic.
Why the desire to cut straight over? Perhaps it would help your anxiety to do it in a smooth transition period so you know what's involved and dispel any demons :)

Just desperate to be fag free bro, but from the sounds of other comments it's not a good idea to "dual fuel"
Quit the smokes, switch to vape and commit to it. Don't dual fuel, don't celebrate cutting down ... your health will not improve if you continue to smoke.

I totally get why not yo do that bro but I have huge anxiety which as hard as I try is way out of my control even with medication so just hearing peoples opinions. It may be worth trying vaping in the day a bot first and only smoke at night or maybe after trying it I get it straight away. Just a big worrier as had a few scares regarding my breathing man
many long term smokers get ill after quitting smoking because your body has become used to all the poisons you are taking in.
Just a big worrier as had a few scares regarding my breathing man

It seems strange to me that you're using concern over your breathing as a reason to NOT stop smoking.

Regarding the asthma, if you discover vaping is making it worse than tobacco (which I seriously doubt), you can always stop and go back to the smokes can't you?

That said, a month or so of dual fueling would allow you to isolate the effects of introducing vapour into your body, and removing tobacco smoke. It would also allow you to experiment and find a vape setup that will satisfactorily replace smoking for you. IMHO, an extra month or so of smoking isn't that much considering you've probably been doing it for years.
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