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Is vaping going to mess me up?

You need to speak with a doctor buddy. A forum is the last place for medical advice particularly given the family history
Hi and welcome to the planet.

If you had said within the first two weeks then that's understandable as your body is going through detox clearing all the shite out of your lungs and the normal is coughing and weezing. After 2-3 weeks you are on the mend and any infections or illnesses are usually down to nature and nout to do with vaping.
For long term smokers the damage is most prob done and you could still have underlying health issues which of course the anti vape brigade immediately blame on vaping.

Yeh the detox is defo going to be rough even for a "normal" smoker this is why I worry so much. I'm worried that fir what would be feeling a bit rough and bit wheezy tor most would be an armageddon of asthma / panic attacks for me. I do agree tho there is a lit of miss information from said brigade lol
You need to speak with a doctor buddy. A forum is the last place for medical advice particularly given the family history

Yeh I did ask my doctor bro he said go for it but as I've moved recently I dint know if my doctor really "knows me" that we'll despite them having access to t by e notes
I would have thought that ideally anyone with asthma or any kind of respiratory problems shouldn’t put anything into their lungs at all. However, I would have thought that vaping would be far safer than tobacco smoke.
As others have said speak to your doc first about it if you’re worried.
Most people will get some reaction from giving up the smokes. Good luck with it!
I would have thought that ideally anyone with asthma or any kind of respiratory problems shouldn’t put anything into their lungs at all. However, I would have thought that vaping would be far safer than tobacco smoke.
As others have said speak to your doc first about it if you’re worried.
Most people will get some reaction from giving up the smokes. Good luck with it!

Yeh bro I know smoking isn't good fir anyone asthmatic or not but since I'm in this situation I'm trying to get others experiences. I have asked the doc but was told to go for it....but as bad as the NHS is nowadays I don't feel like the doc really gave it much thought tbh
Yeh bro I know smoking isn't good fir anyone asthmatic or not but since I'm in this situation I'm trying to get others experiences. I have asked the doc but was told to go for it....but as bad as the NHS is nowadays I don't feel like the doc really gave it much thought tbh

No doctor can tell you it will be 100% safe for you regardless of how long or how much they know about you. But I’m sure all doctors would hazard an educated guess to say there’s a good chance it will be much safer for you than smoking.

If you were to give up tomorrow and never inhale anything but clean air for the rest of your days there’s a good chance that you’ll get a cough regardless as that’s the bodies natural way of clearing your lungs. You may get a bad cough or a chest infection. No one knows as we are all different.

The main thing is that if you start to vape you are starting to get rid of all that crap you’re taking in now with the fags. You’ll be benefiting your health far more than sticking with cigarettes for fear of getting ill and eventually taking years off your life.

My advice would be to buy a little starter kit and give it a go. If you get too sick then at least you have tried. There’s always an unlucky few who don’t get on with any sort of vape in the same way as there’s always a few who don’t react well to prescribed medicine that is given to cure them.

Give it a try. You may like it and quit the smokes. You may hate it and go back to the ciggies. But if you start worrying too much about the what ifs and maybes you’ll never know and build it up to be something far worse than it most likely will be.

Gotta be worth a shot. Good luck!
I used to have bad asthma as a child and a smoker and would have quite bad chest infections 2 or 3 times a year and moving to vaping was the best thing I ever did, I use my inhaler way less than I needed to as a smoker and I've had 1 chest infection in 6 years, your mate wanted to carry on smoking by the sound of it so used this nonsense as a excuse
The same for me @mattyk2010, had asthma as a kid, stupidly became a smoker & every November & February I'd have a chest infection, one year had bronchitis & countless colds

Nowadays it's the odd sniffle & maybe a cold in the Winter

If the doc says it's a good move, it's a no brainer switching to vaping, it's no where near as bad for your lungs as smoking. It's the lesser of two evils by quite a margin
No doctor can tell you it will be 100% safe for you regardless of how long or how much they know about you. But I’m sure all doctors would hazard an educated guess to say there’s a good chance it will be much safer for you than smoking.

If you were to give up tomorrow and never inhale anything but clean air for the rest of your days there’s a good chance that you’ll get a cough regardless as that’s the bodies natural way of clearing your lungs. You may get a bad cough or a chest infection. No one knows as we are all different.

The main thing is that if you start to vape you are starting to get rid of all that crap you’re taking in now with the fags. You’ll be benefiting your health far more than sticking with cigarettes for fear of getting ill and eventually taking years off your life.

My advice would be to buy a little starter kit and give it a go. If you get too sick then at least you have tried. There’s always an unlucky few who don’t get on with any sort of vape in the same way as there’s always a few who don’t react well to prescribed medicine that is given to cure them.

Give it a try. You may like it and quit the smokes. You may hate it and go back to the ciggies. But if you start worrying too much about the what ifs and maybes you’ll never know and build it up to be something far worse than it most likely will be.

Gotta be worth a shot. Good luck!

Thanks for the reply bro, your right in that it is not fir everyone, I've actually had a few puffs on a vape before bug just never made the switch. Yeh I get that I don't want to blow my worries up into so.ethinb they shouldn't be that's actually why I set up.this post coz I'm desperate to get over this mental wall regarding my safety and thought hearing of others good/bad points may help me do that.
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