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Juice sold in actual stores

Don't know of its available on the UK as its a US original... You can get it online for $22 for a 30ml bottle... Don't know what that is in pounds... Check it out at www.giantvapes.com/suicide-bunny/
Try the mothers milk flavor... It's like a strawberry cream orgasm
I like the mrs b custard from ecigwizard , but they have them all out to try for your self in the shop. You do have to try juice as what some like some hate.
also it depends on the tank your using they play a big part in some juice flavours.
Don't know of its available on the UK as its a US original... You can get it online for $22 for a 30ml bottle... Don't know what that is in pounds... Check it out at www.giantvapes.com/suicide-bunny/
Try the mothers milk flavor... It's like a strawberry cream orgasm

Mothers Milk sounds so wrong. Couldn't vape this ANYWHERE near my mum. Would make me wash out my mouth!
Pretty sure that it is named for the strawberry milk that Pips mom used to prepare for her... Cuz I've tasted a real mothers milk before... And they taste nothing alike
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