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Just payed for a mvp2 any suggestions on a new tank

probably not better that a nautilus bvc but the naturevape is rewicked by just poking a new bit of cotton through the coil after a dry burn whereas the nautilus uses replacable coil that are a few quid each. For dripping on your mvp; the Igo L would be good and not too pricey. You don't need an expensive fancy dripper because the mvp only goes up to about 11 watts
My price range is about £20 lol can't afford 130. Don't know how any of this ohms stuff works yet. But now I know I'm better off with a single coil set up. Think you have convinced me diche. I know what a single coil is on a Normal tank but I didn't think you put coils in drippers. Could you give me any advise on this or a page that does Diche

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Just need to sell my vision spinner 2 to buy a new tank or maybe il find someone that wants to swap

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Cheers just saw that about the igo L before I posted thanks. Why do higher wattage devices need more fancy units? Obviously for a higher wattage I know but what is it they have that the less fancy ones don't

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I am new to dripping really so I might not be the best to advise you on choice. I have run a dripper on an MVP though so I can bring knowledge of that to the table. Every type of atomiser has some sort of coil in it. That is what vapourises the juice. In the tanks you have they come in a prebuilt coil head. In a dripper you make the coil yourself out of kanthal wire. Don't let this put you off it is an extremely simple process. My first dripper was an octopus which is as about as simple a dripper as you can get. You can pick one up for about £10. They are ok for juice testing but not great for taking out the house as they have no juice well so can be leaky little buggers. My current dripper is a tobh clone which is lovely, but is designed to be dual coiled which can be rather limiting when combined with the ohm limit on the MVP. I run it on a mech these days so that isn't an issue but it is definitely worth bearing in mind if you intend to use you MVP as your main mod. My second choice when I got this was a Stillaire clone. Which I think can be run single coil and has a reputation for good flavour so that might be worth considering, though I am sure others will put forward other suggestions.
Cheers just saw that about the igo L before I posted thanks. Why do higher wattage devices need more fancy units? Obviously for a higher wattage I know but what is it they have that the less fancy ones don't

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It depends how you vape; if you were to run higher watts for cloud chasing etc; you would need bigger air holes that usually come on the bigger fancy drippers. Up to 11 watts or so; the standard air hole on the Igo L are plenty and give good flavour and vapour for not too much money
Cool cheers guys. Doesn't put me off making my own coil I'm a time served mechanic so been used to working with my hands with small tricky things. Il have a look at your suggestions. Not looking to upgrade battery soon so would have to be a single coil by the sounds of it

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The key with the MVP is that you are aiming for a fairly high resistance. Dual coils halve the resistance, and thick wire has a lower resistance that thin wire. So to dual coil and reach the resistance required you end up using pissy thin wire and lots and lots of wraps. Sticking to single coils gives you far more choice in terms of wire thickness and number of wraps so it makes life far easier.
probably not better that a nautilus bvc but the naturevape is rewicked by just poking a new bit of cotton through the coil after a dry burn whereas the nautilus uses replacable coil that are a few quid each. For dripping on your mvp; the Igo L would be good and not too pricey. You don't need an expensive fancy dripper because the mvp only goes up to about 11 watts

^^^^ this

The IGO-L is a great first RDA and works well with the MVP2 - has a big base which helps with the coils builds- You have choice of single or twin coils

for a good RBA - you could do a lot worse than a Taifun GT - as relative novice, I think the build and wicking is fairly straightforward and refilling is nice and simple. Only downside is that its big! and does look strange and unwieldy on the MVP, especially with the beauty ring (to hide the ego thread)

Correction: the IGO-L is a single coil deck - I got confused with the IGO-W - sorry
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A lot of folks rate the nature vape tanks never used one myself but they do have great feedback as such. Probably the likes of @Miss Pepper I think she uses one will be better to advise on them.

NatureVape tanks are ace, I'm using a mini, so easy to re-wick and the organic cotton or cellucotton makes a world of difference - I tried my protank last week and it was so hard to get a good vape out of it...and with the NatureVape tanks mini or midi, you don't have to change the wick as often, I've just changed mine today but have had it in for nearly a month, so the cost is great xx MK
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