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Just read this new study...

So all we need to do for a biggest and most adequate vape report is to take all the components and test it.

1. VG
2. PG
3. Nic (salts and ordinary one)
4. Flavourings (this is when it gets tricky. We can all agree VG and PG may vary only because of how clean it is as well as nicotine. But number of flavourings is too much to handle in one lab)
5. Water in vape (i`m talking about the old days and other premium juices where company used up to a 0.5% of NaCl water)
"The device is unique in that it converts chemicals into their metabolites during testing, which replicates what happens in the human body, Kadimisetty says."

That's what happens in your stomach, not your lungs. So basically, this "study" might be of interest to those who are in the habit of drinking large quantities of e-juice.
Oh I just realised - the University of Connecticut!! That's the same place where the crazy shit about the dangers of dripping started! I blogged about this and I bet its the same group of 'chemists' who identified the evil of dripping. I'll happily go out on a limb and suggest that their most recent 'study' is as bullshitastic as the dripping study was :D

Cant find access to the paper that is not behind a log in. They are on researchgate so have requested access, will see if they grant it.
The whole thing is very amateurish.

Firstly, you'd need a whole paper on tests carried out to establish the accuracy of the equipment using known variables.

Secondly, was their methodology valid? We'd need a second paper to prove that the reactions they found can be compared to real life situations, and thirdly, there was no mention of a control group.

And that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure someone currently involved in this sort of research would tear this to pieces.
The problem is though they were looking for things they know are there, or how to make those things appear
Now despite the problems with the dodgy study many will read it and trust it
It's like the joke about dihydrogen monoxide rusting iron being in tap water, so don't drink it - that got shared on Facebook and a few idiots believed it was a horrible poison the government's had been testing on the public
"The team set their test so that 20 puffs of an e-cigarette was roughly equivalent to smoking one tobacco cigarette, a ratio supported by other research"

This suggests to me that they set the test to give results high in carcinogens. I think they likely put a much higher voltage through a small coil than it could handle, similar to the other debunked tests where they replicated extremely dry hits.
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