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Kanger Protank 2 help


Jun 22, 2013
I have made for myself plenty of 1.7 resistance coils, problem is my friend wants me to make his at 2.2/2.4 resistance.
for my 1.7 I find it's 6 raps of .20 kanthan wire around 3mm wick, as much as I try I can't hit 2.4, I have for use .15 & .20 wire plus 1,2,&3mm wick........any idea guys?
Aw sorry :sleepy:

Its not a case of can't be bothered - just don't have the knowhow xx
Try adding a strand of 1mm wick to your 3mm and maybe an extra wrap of wire.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
Hello m8 I make coils for my sons evods all the time and he to likes about 2.4 -2.5 mark I would do 6 wraps round your 3mm wick with the .15 wire should not be to far of the mark at that.
I have made for myself plenty of 1.7 resistance coils, problem is my friend wants me to make his at 2.2/2.4 resistance.
for my 1.7 I find it's 6 raps of .20 kanthan wire around 3mm wick, as much as I try I can't hit 2.4, I have for use .15 & .20 wire plus 1,2,&3mm wick........any idea guys?

6 wraps 0.2 = 1.7ohms = approx 0.283 ohms per wrap.

8 wraps (0.283 x8) = 2.26ohms.
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