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Keep vapes out of sight in shops

funny thing is that this beer labelling looks quite tasteful in comparison to some of the ridiculous eliquid bottles you see in the paper shops and suchlike.
Yet more bad press for vaping due to disposables, I think the best thing to do is to just ban single use vapes.

Meanwhile the government's publication of the Tobacco Control Plan is still nowhere to be seen.
Disposables are the problem, but the focus on brightly coloured packaging and fruity flavours is the commom line of people who don't have any idea what they're talking about.

there’s been a good number of people on here critical of the child friendly packaging and stupid blue slushie and stickles type flavours, for years. i wouldn’t say they don’t know what they are talking about. in fact it’s looking increasingly like what they were talking about might come to fruition, because disposables have pushed it past the tipping point.

the best outcome would be a ban on single use devices as @Netvaper states above. but i reckon this might also include stuff around packaging and suchlike too. not bad in itself, but flavours become at risk with this because the contingent of eliquid producers who plagiarise children’s sweet packaging, ice lollies etc didn’t care about or were too thick to see the consequences. if there had never been anything controversial about the packaging, then by association the flavours, they would never have become an issue.
I agree that some eliquid brands need to wind down the ridiculous names and packaging, for my tastes there are many that are way too flashy.

However articles like the above are focused far too heavily on the issues that are less important.
Children and teenagers do not have a monopoly on sweetness and bright colours adults like sweets too.

Also the youth of today are much more aware of advertising and propaganda than previous generations, these articles are a scare tactic aimed at the parents, no teenager is going to look at this and give a crap.

if all vapes are tobacco or menthol flavoured, plainly packaged and plastered with the same warnings as ciggarettes there will be less to draw adult smokers away from the convenience of tobacco and still the youths will continue to use them, teenagers want to do what theyre told not to do, thats how being a teenager works.

I will never disagree that disposables and their disgraceful marketing are the biggest threat to the vape industry I just think that the way news articles are spinning things demonises them in a way that will lead to governments calling for a ban on not just disposables but all vapes.
I agree that some eliquid brands need to wind down the ridiculous names and packaging, for my tastes there are many that are way too flashy.

However articles like the above are focused far too heavily on the issues that are less important.
Children and teenagers do not have a monopoly on sweetness and bright colours adults like sweets too.

Also the youth of today are much more aware of advertising and propaganda than previous generations, these articles are a scare tactic aimed at the parents, no teenager is going to look at this and give a crap.

if all vapes are tobacco or menthol flavoured, plainly packaged and plastered with the same warnings as ciggarettes there will be less to draw adult smokers away from the convenience of tobacco and still the youths will continue to use them, teenagers want to do what theyre told not to do, thats how being a teenager works.

I will never disagree that disposables and their disgraceful marketing are the biggest threat to the vape industry I just think that the way news articles are spinning things demonises them in a way that will lead to governments calling for a ban on not just disposables but all vapes.

i disagree with you on pretty much everything here. but for me the most important point is, that if adult smokers don’t want to stop smoking unless they can have strawberry laces and blue slushy flavoured eliquid, that’s their choice. i’m not some kind of smoking cessation crusader, and i don’t really care. people make their own choices. this is a good thing. but the threat to flavours is the result of a bigger issue than just flavours themselves, is the point i am trying to make.
i disagree with you on pretty much everything here. but for me the most important point is, that if adult smokers don’t want to stop smoking unless they can have strawberry laces and blue slushy flavoured eliquid, that’s their choice. i’m not some kind of smoking cessation crusader, and i don’t really care. people make their own choices. this is a good thing. but the threat to flavours is the result of a bigger issue than just flavours themselves, is the point i am trying to make.
No worries, you're more than welcome to disagree I have a pretty stubborn opinion I'm aware that most people don't agree with me on most subjects.

For better or worse though the main thing I think we can all agree on is that disposables are the big problem?
No worries, you're more than welcome to disagree I have a pretty stubborn opinion I'm aware that most people don't agree with me on most subjects.

For better or worse though the main thing I think we can all agree on is that disposables are the big problem?

i would say disposables are the thing that have accelerated the situation and brought about the tipping point.

but the flavour obsession is a big factor with disposables too. kids like them because they taste like inhaling sugary sweets. if they were cheese flavour i doubt they would be that popular.
One addition I would like to make is that the two flavours I'm currently using are both sweet and both come in brightly coloured packaging.


I'm a strictly hobbyist vaper, I do it because I like it, if I were to stop vaping I wouldn't go back to smoking because the smell is to me, revolting.

so for me flavours are a key reason I still vape.
I don't think either of these packages are aimed to attract youths.

I didn't buy either of these products for their bright colours and I would still buy them if they were in plain packaging. I do however much prefer a peach lemonade or sweet strawberry to the revolting taste of tobacco.

I hate youths and quite frankly I don't want the little bastards being responsible for restricting the way I vape.
Mental labels n packaging n flavours were around before disposables, disposables have brought this issue to the attention of well everyone, keeping them out of sight (out of mind) is a good thing....I think
Mental labels n packaging n flavours were around before disposables, disposables have brought this issue to the attention of well everyone, keeping them out of sight (out of mind) is a good thing....I think
Again I'm not saying I have a problem with disposables being kept out of sight, bin the bastard things for all I care.
I just don't like the reasons they've chosen in this article because it looks like a step on the ladder to banning first disposables then flavours then vapes all together.
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