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Keep vapes out of sight in shops

Again I'm not saying I have a problem with disposables being kept out of sight, bin the bastard things for all I care.
I just don't like the reasons they've chosen in this article because it looks like a step on the ladder to banning first disposables then flavours then vapes all together.

I think they need to crawl before they can walk..... time will tell, we shall see
I agree that some eliquid brands need to wind down the ridiculous names and packaging, for my tastes there are many that are way too flashy.

However articles like the above are focused far too heavily on the issues that are less important.
Children and teenagers do not have a monopoly on sweetness and bright colours adults like sweets too.

Also the youth of today are much more aware of advertising and propaganda than previous generations, these articles are a scare tactic aimed at the parents, no teenager is going to look at this and give a crap.

if all vapes are tobacco or menthol flavoured, plainly packaged and plastered with the same warnings as ciggarettes there will be less to draw adult smokers away from the convenience of tobacco and still the youths will continue to use them, teenagers want to do what theyre told not to do, thats how being a teenager works.

I will never disagree that disposables and their disgraceful marketing are the biggest threat to the vape industry I just think that the way news articles are spinning things demonises them in a way that will lead to governments calling for a ban on not just disposables but all vapes.
Agreed @Phrasing thin end of the wedge for these Public health types, it will defo be used in the long-run to push increasingly restrictive controls IMHO.
Also journalists are greedy simple minded scumbags (imo) they didn't write this article because they give a shit about kids they wrote it to scare parents and prey on public opinion for as many hits as they can get


Disposables are bullshit, but they're a popular thing to hate, once they're done with those, the attention whores will need a new dragon to slay.
One of many reasons why I don't pay TV licence, the BBC is about as reputable these days as the average piss head at 3 in the morning down yer local taxi rank.
Have not paid the TV license in the last 7 years (dont need to, dont watch live tv etc they are bias), I first made made my declaration online in the beginning and at it was all good, but, since then they have sent me increasingly abusive and intimidatingly letters, FU BBC!
I don't understand the hatred for disposables. I know quite a few folk that have quit fags by using them.
The problem of litter is a different matter surely?
Could shame or elitism play a part in the hatred?
Some folk pay 23,000 poonds for a RBA, or 12,000 poonds for a driptip, and they hate the thought of someone having a great vape for a couple of poonds.
I think there is a bit of the Emperor's New Clothes going on.
I don't have any kit that could be considered elite and I appreciate disposables have helped people give up smoking and that you can argue they may prevent youngsters starting smoking. However the cons for me out way that as they are throw away devices so very unfriendly environmentally, they are not easy to recycle and most probably just get thrown in the bin or littered and the idea they aren't being marketed at under age vapers is risible. On top of that there are readily available alternative rechargeable devices with refillable pods either with replaceable or non replaceable coils that are far cheaper to run. Iirc Aspire have recently released a device which takes throw away or refillable pods.

Makers of disposables could make the whole issue disappear themselves and the only logical reason they don't is they make more money out of them.
Could shame or elitism play a part in the hatred?
Some folk pay 23,000 poonds for a RBA, or 12,000 poonds for a driptip, and they hate the thought of someone having a great vape for a couple of poonds.
I think there is a bit of the Emperor's New Clothes going on.
Fucking ridiculous comment fella
Could shame or elitism play a part in the hatred?
Some folk pay 23,000 poonds for a RBA, or 12,000 poonds for a driptip, and they hate the thought of someone having a great vape for a couple of poonds.
I think there is a bit of the Emperor's New Clothes going on.
If you think people hate disposables out if some kind of twisted jealousy you have a very strange perspective.

I have some very expensive vape gear, I have some that is as cheap as disposables. the elitism that you speak of mostly doesn't exist except in your head.

if I want to spend a couple hundred quid on vape gear that's my choice. I don't consider it any more satisfying than your pod kit or sub tank is to you, I don't go around saying I'm any better than you because my vape cost more, that would be ridiculous behaviour.

If you don't like people who have expensive things then that says a lot more about you than them.

People hate disposables because they're wasteful, they are often marketed towards youths and they are being used as ammunition for anti vape propaganda.
So why do folk hate that someone stops smoking using a disposable?
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