It didn't, or at least wasn't the main driver. If I can be candid, it's the wrong demographic that's falling for Covid, in Leicester, atm.
It's far more to do with Vit D, than BLM.
Mind you, as time goes on, the effect of the BML gatherings my come to the fore. But it's not just now.
Glenfield is one of the ares, affected. It's solid white middle class, It's the one group, around my area, that mostly ignored lockdown. It's also, virtually, devoid on non white or non British born residents.
I want to return to my comment on vit D. It seems that those with low vit D intake are much more likely to succumb, to the worst ravages of Covid. This is born out by looking at figures. The largest numbers of serious infections come from care homes those recovering from illness and The Black and Asian community. All of these groups have restricted Vid D uptake.
A little research into vid D reveals it has an important part to play in respiration. I wonder if
@vapesmarter might have a comment here.