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Let's see the blue!!

So my question is can i commission you to do me one of these or do you strictly do it for yourself? What an amazing blue you got on there mate.

Thanks for the nice comment. If you want a really top quality patina done the guy to speak with is Drummergav on here. If you want to see the best patina jobs look on his Corrosive Creations website. If you think mine are nice the Corrosive Creations ones will blow your mind. As Gav helped me with a good few nods in the right direction I would not like to take business away from him, and as I say his are the best patinas I have ever seen.
I doubt I would be brave enough to try such a thing as I've only got into rebuilds this week! But I have to say the end result is a lovely colour, anything patina or stabalized wood seems to be really appealing atm :13:
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