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More than 5 tanks

They are so good,get the right coil in and vape all day,no messing,and if you hit the sweat spot the flavour is subperb
I have the early serpent ,the tall one with the angled deck,yeah I love it but it's a pain to recoil,I like the bottom and top air flow,it's a tank I don't mess with a lot,so hard to get right,it was my first rta.
I just leave mine lying about on a window sill and don’t bother changing the settings. Otherwise you could make an excel spreadsheet. You could save it as “settings_locator_chart.xls”.
Currently, my vastly reduced setup of only 15 mods as it was starting to get out of hand.

Remembering what goes in what is easy. Although I do sometimes get the names of my children mixed up :drool:
mods jan 2019.jpg
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