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My duel coils suck help needed.


Apr 6, 2016
Soooo... my single coils are pretty decent on most decks but I'm really struggling with duel velocity decks.

The problem is unless I wrap long coils they always get stretched out and uneven when I install them. So to stop this I do more wraps but end up with higher resistance. How can I make a big coil with low resistance? Aiming to get below 0.5ohms. Have tried various wire kanthal 28 clapton 26+28 and triple twisted 28 kanthal but just can't nail it.

I have also just got some flat clapton but if I install it the screws push the wire flat against the post and ruin it.

Hope this makes sense im not a massive expect here so please cut me some slack if I sound like a major tard.
316L stainless steel and spaced coils would solve the problems you mention. Other solutions are available, I'm sure.
Hello mate
No question is a silly question.
What mod and rda are you using?
316L stainless steel and spaced coils would solve the problems you mention. Other solutions are available, I'm sure.
I have some stainless but still a bit scared of it. What diameter would you suggest?
Why are you scared of it? 26 gauge works well for dual coil set ups.
I ment the inner diameter of the coil. I thought it was only for temp control and you can't "dry fire" it. I have tried it before but got a funny flavour so didn't bother again. I'll give it another shot on your recommendation. Thanks for the advice.
I ment the inner diameter of the coil. I thought it was only for temp control and you can't "dry fire" it. I have tried it before but got a funny flavour so didn't bother again. I'll give it another shot on your recommendation. Thanks for the advice.
Ha, sorry, misread your post. Just whatever diameter your deck can handle mate. 316L can be used in wattage mode also, and you can dry burn it, although I believe the recommendation is that you don't go too crazy in that regard. I gently glow mine around 16 watts all the time and they're fine.
Ni80 is another good shout I've got flat ni80 24 in at the moment dual coil and get loads of turns in
Maybe you could try virticle coils like in this link.
I will second stainless steel wire. I only use ss now it's also safe to dry fire it helps get the coils heating up evenly. I also find the taste is cleaner from ss. My builds tend to be 22awg on a 3mm bit 8wraps dual comes in at .12 ss
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