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my experice from the vaping guru

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I ordered both the wasp RDA and RTA, happy to wait as I realised they were on the slowboat, kids today want everything yesterday ;)



I struggle to understand why anyone would order from companies such as this, when its far simpler to order direct from Chinese sites yourself. Why the actual fuck would you bother? Have the likes of Vapenology and Eciwarehouse not pumped out enough bullshit to make the failings of this type of business clear?

To paraphrase Kevin Bacon in the popular (and cult classic) 1990s film Tremors:

"Be advised, however, that there are two more, repeat, two more motherhumpers." :D

Avoid like the plague.

I think there are people out there who don’t trust the chinese..!
Well these threads have at least highlighted that it's an importation business. And I would definitely stick to stock items and expect the usual long wait. If you receive it faster its all gravy.
As a long time China buyer I always treat release dates with a large amount of scepticism so I can only ever be pleasantly surprised.
On the plus side you do actually have some custom service but I would say to the vaping guru. Hold your promises until the stock is in your hands. It will give you far less stress and a better rep.
@TheVapingGuru.co.uk i was about to place an order with you guys today, for the wotofo stentorian ram, but your site says in stock & so does the ijoy capo squonk, hmmm i dont think so as they not even been released yet, so you aint got any in stock at all & these are pre orders, im shopping elsewhere..
dont hold your breath with these guys, they are waiting on there suppliers, probaly gearbest or fasttech feckin twats hate flippers.
im hoping they are busy at the post office, eternal optimist and all that will give it until later on and if not had any word just go for a refund
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