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my experice from the vaping guru

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I struggle to understand why anyone would order from companies such as this, when its far simpler to order direct from Chinese sites yourself. Why the actual fuck would you bother? Have the likes of Vapenology and Eciwarehouse not pumped out enough bullshit to make the failings of this type of business clear?

To paraphrase Kevin Bacon in the popular (and cult classic) 1990s film Tremors:

"Be advised, however, that there are two more, repeat, two more motherhumpers." :D

Avoid like the plague.

The Chinese are really good, last order I placed with fasttech took less than a week. Chairman Xi keeps them on their toes.
paid with paypal so worst case scenario its a claim and i can take my money and buy the OBS Crius 2 from fasttech
Makes much more sense than paying somebody else to buy it from fasttech for you, I reckon.
thats the thing the other read for wasp nano popped up initally and as they were showing as being local to me i said id check it out and spoke to Thor on the phone and he was spot on had a solid 5 min conversation and he explained how he was looking to get a shop set up etc and i came off the phone thinking he deserved a chance so gave him a bit of business and gave my feedback on here and he did say it would be mid october for delivery, as the nano RDA was only £9.99 with free delivery i thought it was a good deal and kept a guy making an income, fast forward to now and it would seem things arent going to plan for whatever reason, i still dont think hes a chancer or dodgy i think he has bitten off more than he can chew, hes getting pissed about by suppliers, not being clear to his customers and everyone is fast getting pissed off, dissapointing really if it turns out hes dodgy as it was looking good at the start, you live and learn i suppose
thats the thing the other read for wasp nano popped up initally and as they were showing as being local to me i said id check it out and spoke to Thor on the phone and he was spot on had a solid 5 min conversation and he explained how he was looking to get a shop set up etc and i came off the phone thinking he deserved a chance so gave him a bit of business and gave my feedback on here and he did say it would be mid october for delivery, as the nano RDA was only £9.99 with free delivery i thought it was a good deal and kept a guy making an income, fast forward to now and it would seem things arent going to plan for whatever reason, i still dont think hes a chancer or dodgy i think he has bitten off more than he can chew, hes getting pissed about by suppliers, not being clear to his customers and everyone is fast getting pissed off, dissapointing really if it turns out hes dodgy as it was looking good at the start, you live and learn i suppose

Capitalism, eh? I’d rather order from the people’s republic!
99% of my purchases are from fasttech had a smoant charon arrive in 5 days, anyway im off to paypal to get my £ back cant be bothered waiting any longer

This just made me chuckle! Please don't take it the wrong way @Sp3ckyh0td0g81 but threads about the vaping guru are turning into a surreal bipolar state of affairs! This guy was sold to us as the second coming of, well... Thor! He was the mutts bollocks and the promises fell just short of him delivering golden mods in person to your door with a complimentary blowjob. Clearly there wasn't the need to wrongly advertise products being in stock, but at least the guy has been here and provided some explanations and half decent customer service when things went wrong... And then because the, probably, most pre ordered mod ever is a week delayed he now is an infectious leper that can't be trusted? What's the life threatening rush people? If you want a product straight away go to a b+m and buy it and take it home! Fasttech is ALWAYS messing people about with delivery dates and don't get me started on the end of chain with Herpes and the likes... And yes. Maybe he is dodgy, maybe everyone is dodgy! So always buy through PayPal or insured credit card.. And then chill out! I'm sure we all can live another week without a 10pound rda, or mod we didn't know existed 2months ago... And don't be so quick to judge - for the good and the bad! :hmm:
This just made me chuckle! Please don't take it the wrong way @Sp3ckyh0td0g81 but threads about the vaping guru are turning into a surreal bipolar state of affairs! This guy was sold to us as the second coming of, well... Thor! He was the mutts bollocks and the promises fell just short of him delivering golden mods in person to your door with a complimentary blowjob. Clearly there wasn't the need to wrongly advertise products being in stock, but at least the guy has been here and provided some explanations and half decent customer service when things went wrong... And then because the, probably, most pre ordered mod ever is a week delayed he now is an infectious leper that can't be trusted? What's the life threatening rush people? If you want a product straight away go to a b+m and buy it and take it home! Fasttech is ALWAYS messing people about with delivery dates and don't get me started on the end of chain with Herpes and the likes... And yes. Maybe he is dodgy, maybe everyone is dodgy! So always buy through PayPal or insured credit card.. And then chill out! I'm sure we all can live another week without a 10pound rda, or mod we didn't know existed 2months ago... And don't be so quick to judge - for the good and the bad! :hmm:
stop talking being mature, talking sense and putting perspective on things, grab your pitchfork and fire torch and join the mob :angrymob: good points there mate to be fair,
stop talking being mature, talking sense and putting perspective on things, grab your pitchfork and fire torch and join the mob :angrymob: good points there mate to be fair,
LOL. :) just makes me laugh buddy. Some of the posts in the Pulse mod and wasp. People are complaining like they were hurt! :17: How dare this guy deprives me of a week of....... pretty much the same shit as I already had.... Grown folk too. I bet the same ones making fun of the young'uns queuing outside GAME for the latest instalment of Balls of Duty! :18:

Oh well. I hope everyone gets what they ordered. Or their money back. And in the meantime I hope they suffer from mildly incapacitating heartburn everytime they open the vape mail thread and see everyone enjoying theirs! :16: (mine is still a week away by the way - vaporl)
LOL. :) just makes me laugh buddy. Some of the posts in the Pulse mod and wasp. People are complaining like they were hurt! :17: How dare this guy deprives me of a week of....... pretty much the same shit as I already had.... Grown folk too. I bet the same ones making fun of the young'uns queuing outside GAME for the latest instalment of Balls of Duty! :18:

Oh well. I hope everyone gets what they ordered. Or their money back. And in the meantime I hope they suffer from mildly incapacitating heartburn everytime they open the vape mail thread and see everyone enjoying theirs! :16: (mine is still a week away by the way - vaporl)
i am just going to wait like an adult im sure itll arrive eventually, in the meantime im sure i can vape on one of the many items ive waited on before that i couldnt wait to get then after a week its sat there for days on end without getting touched because im jumping on the "order and wait" boat. It was more the wasp RDA that was bugging me, i ordered on the 1st october and was well aware it was mid october, when he said the other day it would be wednesday this week it would be shipped i double checked with him at the start of the week and he confirmed it would be, so come today i sent a message just to ask if he managed to get them sent and not heard anything, so start getting annoyed, but in reality what will be will be,
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