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New to the forum, new to vaping


Sep 12, 2017
Alright boys and girls,

Figured I'd say hi over here, make up my new post count etc...

Been on the fags for 12 years, 3 months ago, got on vaping.

But now there's a problem with it. I'm in deep :P.

Started on an eleaf pico 25 running their ello mini tank on prefab coils. Mod started active screwy so I got a wismec RX gen 3. Now I'm running a Kylin tank and looking at winding my own coils .

Hoping to bring some 3D printing knowledge to the forum as I've been doing that for 8 years.

Cheers for signing up @Project - good to meet you :) Be great to have a knowledgable 3D printer head on here.

Sounds like a good upgrade path for you with the vaping gear. You started looking at squonking yet? That's the best use of 3D printers in vaping so far...
Thanks @junglist.

Early days for me yet, still getting a grip on the terminology. While enjoying ohm boy Josh's YouTube vids if I hear the word Clapton again I'll go mad :P. I've seen the term squoinking chucked about a bit but not familiar with what it refers to.

Already got some stuff done and some stuff currently printing. Picture the xenonorph eggs from the film Alien, one of thoes suckers with a DNA 75 in. Should be a bit of fun.

:welcome2: to the potv any problems you have or anything you want to no just ask were all here to help:2thumbsup:..........
Thanks for the warm welcome gents! Excuse me while I nestle into the 3D printing thread and try to work out what the hell a squonk is all about.

Hello @Project , nice to meet you Mate !!!
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