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Not sure how to deal with this situation...

Don't know how to word this properly, so for give me.
Nicotine is an addictive substance, that we all know and most if not all are trying to give it up completely. So not starting out on the nic. in the first place is the best option.
But, nic. on it's own is not a killer, unless you poison yourself (or someone else) with a lethal dose. A little light reading, http://www.ecigarette-politics.com/the-great-nicotine-myth.html
The same as nic from the other source, smoking. It's not the nic. the does the damage, it's all the other chemicals produced by the burning cigarette/cigar where we inhaled the smoke, that does the damage.

As I see it, a non-smoker wanting to vape 18mg juice, is a lot better than any form of smoking.

And for anyone worried about higher nic. levels, I used to use 24 and 36 mg when I started vaping 4 yaers ago. And I know someone who vaped 52mg, just to prove a point.
The placebo effect is a wonderful thing. I have been mixing juice for my brother for 6 months. Little does he know that he is vaping 3mg, he is adamant that 6mg is his magic number and anything lower does nothing for him. This week he has asked me to lower his nic as the 6mg is getting harsh.... not sure what to do lol [emoji23]

My fella doesn't smoke and never has, except for the occasional cigar.
That means he smokes occasionally, and when he does, it is a cigar he smokes.

I asked him if he wanted the zero-nic or 18mg option, and he said he wanted the nicotine, as surely that's the whole point?
Then presumably that is why he smokes the cigars, too?

I don't want to feel like I'm responsible if he gets addicted to nicotine - even though I know he's a grown man who's made decisions long before he met me.
Did he get addicted to nicotine from smoking cigars? I mean, the nicotine hit is pretty big with a cigar...

Do I discourage him? Do I get him a pod system and some Manabush and let him decide? Do I speak to him like the grown adult I'm supposed to be and stop flapping like a big girl's blouse?
He wants to be able to have the "odd vape" on something other than his e-cigar. Help him do so. Perhaps something DTL with 3mg is the way to go. If he only does it occasionally, he's hardly gonna get addicted at 3mg.
I have a friend who loves to berate me about my nicotine and caffeine usage ... usually when halfway through her second bottle of Prosecco ... ;)
She means well, bless her.
Explain all about it battery safety, ohms law basics and tell him to use a charger or could blow his face off.
And stop flapping like a big girls blouse.
@Leni as your OH is an adult he can make his own mind up.

You do know the nic isnt the bit in the cigs that keeps people going back to them it is some of the other chemicals.... also nic is as adictive and on par with coffee? Too early for me to dig out the studies.

Anyhow, give him the kit if he wants it. Get 0mg flavours if you are that worried.

Point him in the direction of the nearest good shop and then go wash your hands and leave him to get on with it (he may or may not use it daily, he may or may not end up with a bigger and better collection than you).

Just think of all the vaping talk you will have together, the fun of sharing a hobby, the hours of watching you tube reviews and vlogs, the planning of going to events........ oh the potential fun that lies ahead :D
Thanks to all who replied.

I had to have a bit of a think about this. Mostly the question was 'why the hell is this bothering me so much, when it's such a non-issue?'

The answer to that is very complicated, and a bit too personal to properly explain on here. There is a strong element of me wanting to wrap him up in cotton wool, which is not like me usually. I don't want him to hurt anymore, he's had more than enough to contend with over the last few years.

He's an adult and you're an adult. I do realise that he's from Mars and you're from Venus :D however, why are you together if you have any doubt about his ability to make decisions for himself ... and presumably for you too?

I'm not sure why you're so worried about nicotine, it's not a cigarette or a cigar, it's a vape. :)

Thank you for your customary bluntness @scrumpox :D Thinking more clearly than last night - I don't doubt his ability to make decisions for himself. We don't make decisions for each other, we make decisions together on some things, and in some ways we live very separate lives. I think I do have an issue regarding nicotine though, and I need to remind myself that most people probably won't have had the same experiences as me.

So, I'm not worried about it now. He's enjoyed cigars infrequently for the strong nic hit, so I suspect trying to get 0mg past him wouldn't work. I don't honestly think the Coolfire's what he's after, we'll do some internet shopping and he can decide what he likes the look of. @Miss Pepper if he ends up with a better collection than me, then I'm not going to be impressed :D
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