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photo's too large?

As long as they're fruit polos ;)

dang you bargain hard that's too much a bloke up the road has one for sale and he said a packet of "Tunes" was good, I'm gonna leave it good luck with the sale bud, pal, mate, dude, bro etc etc
Interesting you mentioned image content. Was playing around with my phone yesterday. Didn't change any settings but took 2 photos. One of the ceiling and another of some boxes. The ceiling image was 1.6MB and the boxes image was 3.8MB. Every day is a school day. :)

Yeah, image content is quite important. It's easier to compress the information in an image when there is little change from one pixel to the next. 100 pixels of white can be stored as "the next 100 pixels are white". Obviously it's a little more complex than that :)
Interesting you mentioned image content. Was playing around with my phone yesterday. Didn't change any settings but took 2 photos. One of the ceiling and another of some boxes. The ceiling image was 1.6MB and the boxes image was 3.8MB. Every day is a school day. :)
It would depend on the variation within the image I guess, "simple" images can be compressed more efficiently to get a lower file size. (ETA: :assassin: by @hack400)

DPI only comes into play once the image is rendered by a printer or within a pdf or whatever. It's an optionally embedded value that may or may not be used by the consumer. I'm pretty sure that most screen displays pay little attention to it, and just display the image in it's native pixel size. In which case the size of the physical size of the screen displayed image will be controlled by the resolution of the monitor.
All you need do is upload pics to photobucket or even arse book then just clip copy on those pics then paste on here simples

That's what i do but just click on a web image and click copy and then paste into the forum without an image hosting site, just tried it from my desk top and i can do it from there as well.

That's what i do but just click on a web image and click copy and then paste into the forum without an image hosting site, just tried it from my desk top and i can do it from there as well.

View attachment 347094
Copy/paste uploads it to the forum and will still be restricted in file size.

I just tried it with an image to make sure I had that right and got a file too large error.
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