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Popping my dual coil cherry

negatives shouldnt touch, the positves go to a single post hole so thats fine, thats why you have 3 posts on a dual coil. 2 negatives and 1 positive post.
no idea what woul happen if you put two coils on same posts . may just act as one large coil or send ohms all over the place
You can put a dual coil on an igo L and that's only got 2 posts.
i know you make a dual coil from a single wire but i would have thought putting it on same post would just cause issues . tbh not something ive seen or tried, then again ive seen a quad coil build from riptripper that was done witha single piece of kanthal so who knows what you can do!
Phantom Diablo ok now I'm confused

I understand that in an ideal scenario 2 negative posts would be ideal for dual coils, but surely negative is negative regardless of how many posts? on the other side of the posts surely it would be a positive and negative wire, multiple posts would just be for ease of coiling?

therefore in a roundabout way, the negative legs are connected anyway?

Or am I looking too much into this?
clint Would the first coil burn up most of the juice before it got to the second coil, increasing the chance of a dry hit? or would you make a U wick and feed it back into the same wick hole?
i know you make a dual coil from a single wire but i would have thought putting it on same post would just cause issues . tbh not something ive seen or tried, then again ive seen a quad coil build from riptripper that was done witha single piece of kanthal so who knows what you can do!
You can make 2 separate coils on an igo L. One on either side of each other. ;)
alot easier on an igo, on an RSST generally your using wire mesh so you would have to go down the fill hole, which is opposite side of the negative connection post meaning long legs and chance of hotspot.
really you might as well spend £15 and get a dual coil IGO W 4 and make life alot less complicated.
also the fill hoel is a little smaller and may need drilling out.. and add to that the fill hole isnt insulated , so more complications
alot easier on an igo, on an RSST generally your using wire mesh so you would have to go down the fill hole, which is opposite side of the negative connection post meaning long legs and chance of hotspot.
really you might as well spend £15 and get a dual coil IGO W 4 and make life alot less complicated.
also the fill hoel is a little smaller and may need drilling out.. and add to that the fill hole isnt insulated , so more complications

Or put 2 coils round the same wick. ;)
ive done that before. both as twst method and double wrapping.

worked but was fugly as sin

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