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Stu, could you make your own mods with replaceable panels?
Box style like a printed squonk would be doable, Rockmodz used to make stab wood ones. Think the issue is with conformity, every box would need to be made exactly the same size to ensure add on doors would be a perfect fit. Easier if the boxes use a standard enclosue, either printed or metal as tolerences can be maintained. BB boxes are a case in point, they're all identical.
Box style like a printed squonk would be doable, Rockmodz used to make stab wood ones. Think the issue is with conformity, every box would need to be made exactly the same size to ensure add on doors would be a perfect fit. Easier if the boxes use a standard enclosue, either printed or metal as tolerences can be maintained. BB boxes are a case in point, they're all identical.

in my opinion, panels are dead on mods they serve no purpose...

ok let me explain to stick a panel on a regulated mod inhibits size and shape you have to either use a lipo battery or a sled both will make the mod bigger so it's easier and safer to use a tube

there was a time when panels and squonks were the things until you drilled a hole and used steel tube this meant the tube lasted longer than silicon was easy to use and cleaner but some people hated the tube but in a making area they won out this is the same as "I remember when there were 4 tv channels so much better then" but now we have 100s you can't please all of the people all of the time
I do think there is an appetite for smaller mods. More people are MTL vaping of late. Dicodes mods seem to instantly sell out from any vendors that carry them. Would using Dicodes boards allow you to reduce the size of the mod?
I do think there is an appetite for smaller mods. More people are MTL vaping of late. Dicodes mods seem to instantly sell out from any vendors that carry them. Would using Dicodes boards allow you to reduce the size of the mod?

I’m tempted but the 60w board is £80 that’s a lot of pennies
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