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Random KMS PSA! Oils Clones and whatever else crosses my mind.



Oils! Ahhh!! Oils!
Oils = BAD. No ifs ans or whoha's about it. DO NOT VAPE OILS.

POTV also does not allow vendors to use incorrect terms when describing E-Liquids or Vape gear and we will not approve vendors who use incorrect terms to be vendors here on the forum.

  • Don't reference electronic cigarette products incorrectly. For example: Tar is a bi product of smoking tobacco and is inherently absent in use of an electronic cigarette. Reference to words such as tar are therefore misleading and inappropriate. Oil is not a substance used in ecigarettes or advised as a constituent of ejuice and is equally inappropriate. E-Liquid using any sort of "oil" is best advised to be avoided.

We have taken this stance for a number of reasons, but our main concern is helping keep you safe.

If at any time you find a product being advertised here on POTV incorrectly, please report the post so that Moderation team can handle it.

As you and every other forum in the vaping world knows, POTV is clone discussion friendly. Meaning that we will not prohibit discussion on clones simply because they are "unethical" "immoral" or whatever you can think of to call it *insert here*. Clones are a valid subject when it comes to vaping gear and if we disallowed discussion on Clones, people could end up with horrible product and at the very worse, hurt, because they couldn't find information about what constitutes the good from the bad.

While we allow discussion on clones, POTV does not endorse one product or vendor over another and we do not have a "POTV Opinion" on clones. Each of our Mods and Admins are entitled to their own opinions about whatever product they choose to use. Please do not assume their opinions are part of the POTV religious doctrine :P

Along with the topic of clones, it became apparent that the fans of originals were being drowned out by all the discussion of cheaper, more cost effective gear and had no place to escape from clone talk on the forum. We created the vAPE Pit so that discussion on original high end mods would receive the attention they deserved. Please mind the only rule of the vAPE Pit that is not enforced anywhere else, "NO CLONE TALK ALLOWED" Members who post in the vAPE Pit will be quick to sort you out and report your posts, so please refrain from going in just to take "the piss". This vaping malarkey is serious shit folks :P

Whatever else!
As we continue to grow, it is harder and harder on the team to keep up with the daily maintenance of the forum/website, please keep this in mind as we try our best to stay on top of every issue reported to us via the support desk, PM's and reported posts. If in doubt, please send a New Ticket, before PMing a Mod or Admin.

EXCEPTIONS to the rules...
This something that has been discussed recently due to some rule changes we have put in place. The simple answer is, no member of the forum is exempt from the rules and requirements of the site. While I know that is a hard thing to swallow for some of you :P, the Admin and Mod team will not make exceptions unless the circumstances are extraordinary and the team has discussed the pros and cons of creating such an exception. Except...Rule 34. ;)

Racism and things of offense...
I know I have taken offense to some things said on the forum, I know other people have taken offense to things said on the forum. Most of us, just carry on and ignore it, but there are some things that should not be ignored. I feel it is important that we are reminded that we come from all walks of life, from all over the world, in one "class" or another and that racism or discrimination will not be tolerated. Please report any posts containing this kind of stuff to the mods and admins.

Opinions! WE LOVE THEM! But we don't love the bullshit that sometimes comes with them :D So if someones opinion offends you or you find yourself wanting to argue with them, please move on and don't fall into the trap. If the post is truly worthy of the admins or mods looking into it, please report the post!

This one gets a special mention cause I have like the biggest post count ever... and you know what? It doesn't mean jack shit either :P It is just a numerical value placed on how much time I spend on this bleeding website :P Keep that in mind when you are welcoming every new user in the Intro forum that has ever registered...from 18 months ago...
Not only that, it pushes good threads down pages and pages...members who have a pressing issue and need advice, get overlooked :( Keep welcoming the new members :) Just not in great quantity in a short amount of time.

I think for right now, that is all I can think to moan about :)

And in case I haven't told you lately..
+1 on the postcount thing especially. It jars the life out of me when I get in from work at 5am, let the dogs out to do whatever it is dogs do in the garden at 5am, switch on the laptop for a bit and have to wade through 300 "Hi" posts before getting to the meat.
LOL I slept fine :) went to bed about 7 and was up at 1 so that was some good time in bed for me :P

It was just time to bring some points up on the main forum that we have been talking about behind the scenes :)
Ever heard of a product called "Nytol" Meg ? :ape:

Stuff like that doesnt work for me :) I am a natural insomniac. I was glad to have 6 hours last night compared to my normal 3 or 4 :D
Some good points raised KMS.

Too many people get hung up on irrelevant post count stats, just because someone only has 20 posts does not mean their comment is any less valid than someone with 10000 posts.

The free discussion of Clones is a very welcome aspect of POTV and far more useful than the tedious "Clone Wars" that occur on certain other forums.
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