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Nov 16, 2012
Quite liking doing some of these reviews, but the main problem is some juices are a little thick so has anyone got a rebuildable dripper for sale?
Something like this would probably suffice, unless anyone has a cheap Aga-? going. - http://www.health-e-vape.co.uk/the-big-dripper-sale-3115-p.asp
Not looking at anything OTT, I have some 2mm silica and 0.2 wire coming so happy to take one bare too.

You could always add a little di-ionised water to make your juice less thick. In my DIY mixes I use 1ml in a 10 ml mix (vg based.
I haven't got any DI water, but I have RO water. Will that suffice?
I take it you mean the same stuff @ZT was saying he's got gallons of from his reefing adventures? I'm pretty sure it is pure so I see no reason why not but I'm sure someone will know for definite :)
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From what I can tell people use ro water for vaping "other" stuff ;) it would be nice to find out what other people think with all these reefers round here. In fact all these reefers should know about vaping other stuff anyway :D
You can thin it with vodka too, I use it all the time to thin VG down. Same ratios as water.
I wouldn't recommend using vodka as a thinner really - there's been definite studies to show that inhaling that kind of alcohol is definitely not good for the lungs.

also de-ionised water is not the same as distilled water, or filtered water etc.... deionised water might be better labelled as de-mineralised water and it is water that has had it's mineral ions removed and thus cannot promote or encourage oxidisation - which is why we use it in car batteries and the like.
I wouldn't recommend using vodka as a thinner really - there's been definite studies to show that inhaling that kind of alcohol is definitely not good for the lungs.

also de-ionised water is not the same as distilled water, or filtered water etc.... deionised water might be better labelled as de-mineralised water and it is water that has had it's mineral ions removed and thus cannot promote or encourage oxidisation - which is why we use it in car batteries and the like.

In the reef hobby we routinely use RO/DI machines to make water with 0 TDS (Total dissolved solids)

I would have thought this would be ideal for use ?

the tap water passes thru a very fine micron filter, then a carbon filter, then a reverse osmosis membrane (in my case 2!) then through a d-ionisation pod full of DI resin)
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