Aye that makes sense.
The 40% isn't necessarily fully vaccinated, how many they had isn't factored in, so either one or both. You would presume that number is more single vaccinations as double is where the protection really is but that isn't broken down.
But the more you vaccinate , the lower the number of hospital admissions gets. If the number who have not been vaccinated decreases, so does the number then going to hospital. Despite the cases being similar to January , the deaths aren't because of the age groups involved.
So to get 1000 hospital cases a day you cross between vaccinations providing protection and not. Literally there is a cut off point that only gets crossed when the vaccine doesn't protect people anymore.
The point being , if only 1.5% currently are ending up in hospital , that number isn't going to drop that much lower to change the perspective between crisis and everything is fine.
If you said back in Jan only 1.5% cases go to hospital , everyone would agree that was the point that restrictions should be gone. Yet here we are and people are still acting like the country is burning.
More than half actually!
And the target is to have everyone done by September which to be fair the country has hit it's vaccination targets every single time. So that's two months away from full vaccination, so theoretically that 1.5% drops even lower than before , no matter how high the daily cases rise to.
That and the logical eventually you run out of people without actual antibodies at current rate , even naturally if 40k a day are naturally catching it and only 1.5% end up in hospital , theoretically that would drop figures without a needle.