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Sorry, another newbie wire question.

Cotton, basics tho...

Too much, dry hits
Not enough, spitting.

There should be a little resistance when you pull it back and fore through the coil, but not too much.

Lots and lots of fluffing required.
I could have just followed steam engine/asked for advice made a coil and away I go. Trouble is I want to know what I'm doing and why and I always want to run before I can walk!
Being a bit of tinkerer may stand me in good stead when it comes to building coils. On the other hand........ :D
So knowing what you know...

Are you going for touching or non touching wraps on your coils?

Enjoy googling ;)
The cleito RBA came with spaced claptons so I guess I'll build touching (fused?) coils to begin with so I can compare the 2
Clapton is 1 inner with 1 outer.
Fused is 2 inner, one outer.

Touching (contact)
Non touching (spaced)
Well, first attempt, not amazing.

Coils, meh, passable but nothing spectacular.
Wicking, blergh. Too much, dry hit, blergh. 2nd wicking attempt much better but muted flavour.

More practice required! :D
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