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Squonk bottles


Jul 30, 2013
I find the bottles for the Vt box to be quite hard, does anybody know of any softer bottles that could be used in these if so where, cheers
Thanks man, I might just have to put an order in. Do they need an modification, or do they just fit straight in (after you've taken the cap and tub off obviously) ?

for the squeeze or the inbox?

for the squeeze you need to chop the neck of the bottle so it's near the same height as the standard bottle and when you push it in just give it a twist so it sits right. it's a proper bodge if i'm honest, but i've probably put 100ml through it (taking it out to fill it each time) and its not leaked yet.

for the inbox, i've never tried it but there's some stuff here https://www.fasttech.com/forums/7762300/t/2463176/feat-at-vtinbox-75. most of its bad, but someone has some reasonable sounding suggestions on the last page.
for the squeeze you need to chop the neck of the bottle so it's near the same height as the standard bottle and when you push it in just give it a twist so it sits right. it's a proper bodge if i'm honest, but i've probably put 100ml through it (taking it out to fill it each time) and its not leaked yet.

Well I've just ordered some for the squeeze, so looks like i'll need to be digging the craft knife out :)
And for the geekvape gbox s100, I find these hard as well.
I changed mine for a dripbox 160 bottle same size slightly lighter in colour and a tad softer.
But best of all it shoots juice up just like the dripbox now
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