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SS Mesh and Ekowool...


Sep 23, 2013
Right guys im into the atties like the fogger, protank, Taifun etc. Don't get on with the kayfun deck, and I have a microcoil setup with cotton, works a dream, have to let off the juice flow occasionally but that's my error of probably overusing a little bit more cotton than I needed. After a recent order of ss mesh and ekowool, I wanted to know if anyone had tried that on an atty like the ones above, I've used the kraken and no first hand mesh wicks pretty sweet as a vertical wick so how about horizpntal,. Thoughts?
interesting idea might give it ago today, just got back intouch with gennys after using a couple of ithaka's for months, silica and ekowool are great for wicking, mesh is more robust, after having the steamtrain of the ithaka its set the bar for the genny's, the kracken is too nice not to get its full potential.
interesting idea might give it ago today, just got back intouch with gennys after using a couple of ithaka's for months, silica and ekowool are great for wicking, mesh is more robust, after having the steamtrain of the ithaka its set the bar for the genny's, the kracken is too nice not to get its full potential.

Agreed. My kraken is pukka with SS mesh and ekowool sleeve.

Sent from somewhere in cloudy Kent
still prefer ss rope over mesh anyday, to me anyway, it seems to wick better.
I've used mesh in a dripper which had them horizontal,worked well.I've got a 91% and looking at the wicking arrangement,I doubt that mesh would work very well as the bend from coil to deck is so severe that it's likely to restrict the juice flow.
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