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Talk me out of it! (post what you want to buy but know you shouldn't)

I cannot be ignored I am inevitable. I am the voice of temptation.
Every time you think to yourself "I want this but I shouldn't" I am the voice in your head saying.
"Do it, you know you want to"


Knowing you and the way you vape I would suggest the pioneer insider as your first mtl bridge, its capable of mtl and rdl and will have the sense of familiarity because you already have the rta. Other than that clone city is where to begin, mobb clones can be picked up for pittance and are some of the best beginner bridges out there due to their ridiculously easy wicking.

As for stab wood dailys it's a tall order to find something in that category that is affordable but as usual I provide.

The ultroner alieno is a pretty little 18650 banger that comes with stab wood and a sevo70 chip which is the one used in sxk bb that aren't dna.
Ecigone have them for under £50 I nabbed two.

If Christmas money graces you with its existence I will again refer you to the mixx stab wood edition, though I don't own one myself :( both @PhilBox and @SkyBlueJ can attest to its beauty and versatility.

Also you mentioned you have been using dual coil 0.16 builds in rtas, would that be with your mech?
Although you should NEVER use a subtank on a mech mod an rta is another story entirely, provided your rta has a protruding 510 pin some of the best mech experiences you can have on a mech are with a low build rta

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Thanks for the recommendations @Phrasing, I'll definitely take a look at the insider as that certainly may suit and I'll start researching some others too, but there's no rush. I made I got the Stubby yesterday firstly because I didn't want to miss out again and secondly because I was distracted and had a rare moment of pure impulsivity. It was all completely out of character for me, but I'm still very happy with my purchases today and glad for my moment of madness.

The mod is something I'm in less of a rush for as I've got others, but I just want to get myself something nice this time rather than going for the budget option or using ex-review items like I have been doing.

I'm very mech aware and did all my due diligence on ohms law and battery safety before buying one so there's no problem on that front. I just needed a nice RDA to pair it with which is what the Asgard is for. Well that and the Dovpo pump squonker @RichieRich kindly sent me. The dual coil builds are currently being run on my Odin's (a 100 and 200).
Love my missus, just broke the bad news on the purchases, not a feather ruffled....
What one did you pick up?

I bought this one. I just couldn't resist the Disney and pretty colours. I'm such a child.

I'll just leave this here for you @Astral
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Lol. I think I might have to give that a try before long!

Quite a few decent mods on sale here.

Coincidentally that's actually where I did my shopping yesterday. I even had the SX Mini in my basket for a while until I saw how much I was spending and bottled it.
When you think how much you spent on fags, vaping is a cheap hobby.
Golf is much more expensive, and you end up orange if you have Trump genes. :D
I'm pretty happy with all my gear at the moment and don't actually need anything.

As for things I'd like, the list is surprisingly quite short.
  • Dovpo x Across Hazard RTA
  • Hellvape Dead Rabbit M RTA (this replaces the Profile X which sadly appears to be a bit wank)
  • Lost Vape Centaurus M200, specifically in pink for some reason
  • Vandy Vape Kylin M Boro RBA
Realistically the only thing I can see myself buying in the near future is the Hazard RTA and Kylin M RBA as I have more than enough mods and mesh RTAs to last a lifetime. I am however going to wait for reviews on both before committing to a purchase.
Look at this little beauty

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