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TC MTL advice please for TC beginner.

Ok. Thanks for the answers @Mr Numpty @simong & @Tubbyengineer.
Firstly @Mr Numpty - that makes perfect sense, airflow = clouds. Same as with wattage mode then.
Secondly @simong I currently dont have a decent TC mod. I've tried SS on the Alien and on a cuboid taptec, just not getting the result I thought I'd be getting (even though I posted earlier in the week that the new Alien firmware may have been better... its not!) but that could be down to Thirdly @Tubbyengineer post about wicking. Maybe I have it too tight.
How do I wick lightly enough for TC without danger of getting a leaky tank?
It should be ljust tight enough to move the coil very slightly as you pull it through, If the ID of the coil is right then you should have no issues with flooding - for MTL type tanks 2.5 to 3.0mm is usually fine...
Ok thanks. Will try rewicking my rta tomorrow and see how it goes.
Lets hope no leaks!!
Should I go for 26g then or is that too thick?

Edit. Silly question, just checked steamengine and that would build too low!!
28 it is then!
Ok. So ordered NiFe30 28g. This will be for when my DNA mod turns up.
Rewicked with looser wick and wow... difference is immense.
Now I've started to tinker with TC and gain more understanding about the thought process behind it I think I will like it more & more.
If it works better on the DNA mod then my OBS Engine attys will probably end up being converted too!!
Thanks again for all your help @Tubbyengineer @speedfreek67 @simong and @Mr Numpty.
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