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Temp control vaping

Ahhh thats why i use Titanium. 8 wraps of 26agw NI200 around 2.5mm comes to 0.08ohm but exactly the same with Titanium comes out at over triple (0.32ohms) so its easier to build with if you want to give that a go.
Me and teatime have discussed this before and i think the outcome was 'it lacks balls /wallop' its all abit soft.

Done boggo builds, funky builds in tanks, drippers fiddled with all the buttons and just didn't get what i wanted. Don't have a TC device atm but fingers crossed a dna200 device will pop up i like the look of at which point i'll try niffy and see if i can be swayed - until then. Errrrm nope. Its not through lack of understanding, its through lack of enjoyment. Just not my thang.
TC seems a bit of "emporers new clothes" to me. A well wicked kanthal coil in a tank shouldn't give dry hits...
I do wish people would stop conflating TC with Dry hit prevention - it's a side effect not the goal...
The goal of TC is to prevent overheating of the juice at the coils surface - reducing the chance of the formation of unwanted thermal decomposition byproducts from your juice. IF you build correctly and wick properly you'll have cleaner coils and wicks, should get cleaner flavour and will have less chance of inhaling the nasties that come with burning juice...
Yes it's not perfect but it is working and will get better...
I do wish people would stop conflating TC with Dry hit prevention - it's a side effect not the goal...
The goal of TC is to prevent overheating of the juice at the coils surface - reducing the chance of the formation of unwanted thermal decomposition byproducts from your juice. IF you build correctly and wick properly you'll have cleaner coils and wicks, should get cleaner flavour and will have less chance of inhaling the nasties that come with burning juice...
Yes it's not perfect but it is working and will get better...


Said it several times before, also in the fuuuuture juice makers could suggest the optimum temp range for their juices, atm the common practice is 'try upping the wattage'.
Apologies to Mr Teatime, I know it's just his style and he didn't mean to come over as I have suggested. I have spent a lot of time trying to perfect TC vaping and know that it is far from dogwank, but it is different, that's for sure.

I think there are a lot of aspects to discuss on the advantages and disadvantages of kanthal and TC vaping. Kanthal is always going to hit harder, or at least appear to hit harder than TC coils simply because by its very nature you are setting limits with a TC set up. That is one aspect that probably could be considered as fact.

Preventing dry hits is very much a side benefit of TC vaping. Any experienced vaper can avoid those most of the time, although as Pbusardo often points out, if you are using a stainless Kayfun tank, you don't have to worry about how low your juice is getting - your vape just becomes anaemic and you twig that it's time to juice up, which is kinda nice. Mind you, I don't believe people who say they NEVER get dry hits unless they are exclusively dripping. If you use tanks, you're going to get a dry hit at some point so don't bullshit a bullshitter. ;)

For me, one of the best advantages to TC vaping is being able to get quite different vape experiences from the same coil. Maybe in the morning I want a little less dense vapour than I do later in the day. Sometimes I want a hot vape and sometimes I want it a little cooler and with Tc I can get that without having to change coils to achieve it. Different juices also taste better at different temperatures and again, TC vaping means you don't have to change the Ohms of your coil to suit - just change the temp!

There are many more advantages and disadvantages to each, but this post is already too long and dull.
Apologies to Mr Teatime, I know it's just his style and he didn't mean to come over as I have suggested. I have spent a lot of time trying to perfect TC vaping and know that it is far from dogwank, but it is different, that's for sure.

I think there are a lot of aspects to discuss on the advantages and disadvantages of kanthal and TC vaping. Kanthal is always going to hit harder, or at least appear to hit harder than TC coils simply because by its very nature you are setting limits with a TC set up. That is one aspect that probably could be considered as fact.

Preventing dry hits is very much a side benefit of TC vaping. Any experienced vaper can avoid those most of the time, although as Pbusardo often points out, if you are using a stainless Kayfun tank, you don't have to worry about how low your juice is getting - your vape just becomes anaemic and you twig that it's time to juice up, which is kinda nice. Mind you, I don't believe people who say they NEVER get dry hits unless they are exclusively dripping. If you use tanks, you're going to get a dry hit at some point so don't bullshit a bullshitter. ;)

For me, one of the best advantages to TC vaping is being able to get quite different vape experiences from the same coil. Maybe in the morning I want a little less dense vapour than I do later in the day. Sometimes I want a hot vape and sometimes I want it a little cooler and with Tc I can get that without having to change coils to achieve it. Different juices also taste better at different temperatures and again, TC vaping means you don't have to change the Ohms of your coil to suit - just change the temp!

There are many more advantages and disadvantages to each, but this post is already too long and dull.
No need to apologise dude ;)
I say what I think also. Perhaps you and he need to harden up if people want to challenge "forthright" statements without adding disclaimers. Blanket statements that TC vaping is dogwank are going to be open to discussion, particularly when stated as "fact."

I don't have any issues, particularly with you who I've always respected, and no-one suggested you shouldn't challenge it. It just seemed a bit of an overreaction to a typically tongue-in-cheek comment by one of the forum's comedians.
I don't have any issues, particularly with you who I've always respected, and no-one suggested you shouldn't challenge it. It just seemed a bit of an overreaction to a typically tongue-in-cheek comment by one of the forum's comedians.
Indeed. I have apologised. Many hours spent trying to perfect TC vaping may have left me a little sensitive. I'm sorry.

But TC vaping is great. :D
[QUOTE="Mr Numpty, post: 985561, member: Many hours spent trying to perfect TC vaping. :D[/QUOTE]
This is why I haven't tried it. Sounds like a lot of faffing about.
The technology is far from developed, it's early days and a load of faff. If you look up faff in a Northern thesaurus, it says dogwank.
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