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Temp control vaping

One thing I will say for it - if you're like me and can't be bothered to clean tanks when changing juices, it allows you to vape the wick dry, making the transition so much shorter.
Ive been playing about with TC a bit the last few days .. .

heres what Im getting from it

a feeling of my vape being "restricted"

flavour nowhere near as good.

now it could be just coz I aint got it right yet though to be fair

Please define "restricted", flavour should come through good and clear - if your coil resistance seems stable start by looking at your wicking, Both I and the redoubtable MrTeatime know that TC on a Heron can be bloody marvellous - He was pretty shocked by my TC setup at Vape expo, wasn't so keen on the Clara T I had in it yesterday though...
Will two efest IMR18650 20/35A 2500mAh batteries suffice for temp control with the Snow Wolf?
Depends how low ya building, the snow wolf is limited to 70watt in tc. Example 0.15 ohm build running max 70watt, 21.6amp draw. If your batteries are not up to the job the snow wolf won't/shouldn't fire. I use Samsung 30q(torchy boy) batteries in my snow wolf and have no issues with power. Issue I have with my snow wolf is it jumps from temp mode to power mode, which is not an option you can change, I've since been using the ipv4s for temp and have had no issues

Said it several times before, also in the fuuuuture juice makers could suggest the optimum temp range for their juices, atm the common practice is 'try upping the wattage'.

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I'll add in some random musings I'm having with TC ...

Before TC there was ... manual temperature control by the vaper. Yes, before TC there was tc. Nobody wanted to burn their juice and most vapers would avoid it. We learned to do this by matching the build to the atty - it's airflow particularly - the mod, the power setting and the juice. We controlled temperature by inhalation and the duration of the fire period. In this manual way we achieved the vape we wanted, as warm or as cool as we wanted, and we learned to detect the imminent dry hit.

Then came TC technology and we found ourselves constrained initially to just one wire, not because it was safer or better to build with, not for any justifiable reason other than the developers could mathematically predict/estimate the coil temperature from the resistance change of this particular wire. More wires eventually got added. Vapers then had to relearn their wicking and coil building to use this new technology. But for what benefit?

If the answer to this question is safety then it presupposes that vapers are not safe using non-TC vaping methods. That seems to be full of assumption. Vaping practices vary widely, some vapers are pretty conservative whilst others are pushing the envelope beyond reasonable risk boundaries.

Do we know yet whether TC wires - Ni200, Titanium, NiFe30, NiFe48 etc - are safer than kanthal?
We know that TC will prevent us from burning the wick but TC in itself does not prevent the user from burning the juice. You can singe a wick using TC yet many vapers using kanthal do not singe their wicks. How can TC be safer for them?

If safety is going to be the winning argument for TC then it needs evidence to back that up. Without evidence it's simply a matter of faith, isn't it? TC is going to have to do a lot better than show people wicks that aren't burnt.

I understand @danb 's point about TC being another category of vaping ... afterall we choose our hardware, we prefer one type of juice over another, we prefer one type of wick over another, so vapers can also choose a TC vape over a non-TC vape simply because they prefer the experience. Stating a preference is reason enough for me ... as long as I'm not asked to share their faith. :)
Nothing wrong with kanthal so don't really see much point in messing with tc. So much messing about and for what?? End result is still the same. We get vapour...
My top 3 Vaping experiences

1, NiFe 30 dual coil build in a velocity. TC.

2, Ni-200/Kanthal twisted dual coil build, velocity. TC.

3, Kanthal build, dual coil velocity. Wattage mode. And trust me this was an ultra sub ohm build.

Conclusion. TC FTW.
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