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Temp control vaping

I'll bet i'm like 99% of vapers. I fill up my tank, press the up button till it tastes ok, then vape away all night watching the telly. Vaping is something I do while doing something else. I don't want to have to think about it. Until the technology enables this, then it will stay a minority interest. A bit like wanking off dogs.
Interesting thread. My Snow Wolf has been 'despatched' and I'm expecting a Kangertech tank and a Steam Crave RDA in the post tomorrow. I have some Kanthal wire for the RDA and intend to use it for home use. I've bought some Ni200 prebuilt atties for the tank as I figured this would be convenient for the odd quick vape between lectures. I still don't quite get how TC ties in with battery use. Is it safer than wattage on a kanthal? What I mean is do I have to put much thought into it (as I did the maths for the batteries I have and the mod and it would seem that I can vape at 65w safely (even though my device is 200w). With TC, can I just bung in the pre-made atty and use the temp control setting without worrying about battery output?
I'll bet i'm like 99% of vapers. I fill up my tank, press the up button till it tastes ok, then vape away all night watching the telly. Vaping is something I do while doing something else. I don't want to have to think about it. Until the technology enables this, then it will stay a minority interest. A bit like wanking off dogs.
Spot on. I think it will appeal to the hobbyists, but they make up a tiny percentage of people who vape within the UK.
Indeed. I have apologised. Many hours spent trying to perfect TC vaping may have left me a little sensitive. I'm sorry.

But TC vaping is great. :D

I'm about to embark on the journey. All I've had so far is a TC coil that came with the Freemax which I didn't like and traded the box of coils I'd bought.

As the titanium coil in the Ego One is much better I think I'll go for titanium rather than nickel. I'll be back on asking for tips no doubt.
As a hobbyist, I've had the time and inclination to play around a bit with TC ... some seem to have enjoyed greater success than I have, others have found the same disappointments interspersed with surprising but only occasional successes.
TC as it stands delivers nothing but dry hit protection. I wanted more and even expected more. I wanted longer lasting coils and wicks, I wanted consistency of vape and I wanted better battery life. I wanted something better than kanthal.
Here's the thing - TC does not prevent you from burning your juice any more than the speedometer in your vehicle prevents you from speeding. If your juice begins to burn (early stages are caramelisation and discolouration) then you won't get longer lasting coils and wicks, you won't get consistency and for whatever reason TC modes seem to go through your battery quicker than non-TC.
As we know, juices are not all the same, none of them come with temperature guidelines. Some flavours tend to gunk much more than others. If you want to stop your coils gunking you're better off switching juice than switching from kanthal to TC.
TC has a long way to go yet, it certainly isn't cruise control ... others have said it, so have I ... where are the juice manufacturers with this?
I'm about to embark on the journey. All I've had so far is a TC coil that came with the Freemax which I didn't like and traded the box of coils I'd bought.

As the titanium coil in the Ego One is much better I think I'll go for titanium rather than nickel. I'll be back on asking for tips no doubt.

I'm still playing with tc myself and so far other than NI200 and a dodgy snow wolf I've found it to work pretty well, I have recently built a NiFe30 build which works really well, I like that I can blast it in a tank without to much trouble where as kanthal has to be wicked just right and then still I don't like pushing. I wouldn't say tc is perfect but I can see some advantages when a steady build is made. @MrNumpty helped with advise and I will continue to search for the perfect vape. If people didn't look to improve and find better ways to do things then I guess we'd still live in caves. Tc may have its issues but it also has massive potential, as @scrumpox has said juice makers still have there part to play and who knows what coming next with wire types ect. Happy vaping
I find TC gives me the consistent, reliable vape kanthal never did. My coil instantly hits the temperature I want it to and stays there. No ramp up time, and no overheating. Yes it takes a bit of experimentation to find the right temperature, for me it's always in the 200-230C range, and I don't see how this is any more complicated than adjusting your wattage on a kanthal build. I think recommended temperatures would be largely pointless because not all chips measure in exactly the same way, and on any device, small static resistances and not calibrating at precisely 20C can easily cause drifts of >10C. The sweet spot for the same atty, build and juice is not the same on my VS rDNA40 and IPV D2, for example.

The main health hazard with ecigs is the chemicals produced when they overheat. I find TC reassuring in this respect, and the peace of mind probably contributes to my enjoyment of TC vaping.

I have little experience building with kanthal (mainly because TC eliminated all my issues with kanthal), I'm sure it can be great if you're good at it, but I'm not. I think the same is true for TC builds - it's easier to stick with what you're good at, and for me that's not kanthal. I think a big problem is Ni200 - it's barely fit for purpose and gives a lot of people bad experiences. Ni200 was the first generation of TC wire and in my opinion it's obsolete already.

Some people like TC, some like cloud chasing, some like MTL, some like sub-ohm, drippers, tanks, cartos, roast chicken eliquid etc. etc. this has all been done to death a million times before with, after much pissing and trolling, the same conclusion: there are different ways to vape and people have different preferences.
I'm still playing with tc myself and so far other than NI200 and a dodgy snow wolf I've found it to work pretty well, I have recently built a NiFe30 build which works really well, I like that I can blast it in a tank without to much trouble where as kanthal has to be wicked just right and then still I don't like pushing. I wouldn't say tc is perfect but I can see some advantages when a steady build is made. @MrNumpty helped with advise and I will continue to search for the perfect vape. If people didn't look to improve and find better ways to do things then I guess we'd still live in caves. Tc may have its issues but it also has massive potential, as @scrumpox has said juice makers still have there part to play and who knows what coming next with wire types ect. Happy vaping

Will two efest IMR18650 20/35A 2500mAh batteries suffice for temp control with the Snow Wolf?
Ive been playing about with TC a bit the last few days .. .

heres what Im getting from it

a feeling of my vape being "restricted"

flavour nowhere near as good.

now it could be just coz I aint got it right yet though to be fair
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