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The cat came back...she just couldn't stay away..


Jul 28, 2016
I been awol lately, and may remain so for a bit longer but just wanted you guys to know I'm still lurking about here whenever I get the opportunity, I've just had to deal with a lot of life's curveballs so far this year. Some of you may recall that I quit smoking and started vaping in response to my dad's diagnosis of advanced lung cancer, and the less than jolly time I was having keeping him company on the chemo ward. Well anyways it caught up with him, and at the end of Jan he got real sick and my life became a three ring circus of hospital visits, doctors and trying to arrange carers...then mid March after we'd managed to get him home with 24hr care in place and palliative care on call he passed away - but at least he did so asleep in his own bed with a daughter holding his hand. After that it's been all funeral arranging, a shitstorm of paperwork to organise and a house full of stuff to sort thru' :(

So I've not had a whole lot of time to play on the interwebz, in addition to the above I managed to land myself a pretty small but sweet freelance writing job...horrible timing yeah, my teeny pea-brain obviously thought that I wasn't doing enough already and decided to volunteer for more pressure :/

Anyhows, the worst parts are over for now, and even tho me n' my sis still have a lot of things we need to sort out I can relax a little, just wanted to let you fine folks know that I'm still around, I'm just being quieter than usual :)
Also thanks to all of you on this site, the last couple of months and seeing what my Popz went thru has made me realise that giving up the smokes is probs one of the most sensible decisions I ever made, I would never have been able to do it without the support I got here when things were tough.

Hope I can drop in more regularly when things calm down more, and to answer an unasked question...no, I never once even considered having a sneaky ciggy in amongst the stress of the last 2 months. However I may have planted the idea of taking up vaping rather than smoking into the heads of at least 3 carers and 2 taxi drivers...yup I vaped...a LOT! :)
You take care of yourself M'Dear, you know where we are as and when you can drop in. :)
Sorry to hear about your dad, stay strong, it does get better.... honest. :)
Oooft you've been through a lot.

Glad you've found the time to pop by and are planning to do so more often.

As others have mentioned we're all here if you need any support :)


Condolences @yappycat
I've been through something very similar with both my parents over recent year's so I know how stressful and tiring it can all be.
Stay strong, I'm sure we'll hear more from you when thing's settle down.
I'm very sorry to hear about your dad [emoji20] good luck, remember the good times and as others here have said, we're all around if you need support [emoji106]
Sorry to hear about your loss, things will get better. Look after yourself, sending cyber hugs.
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