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The cat came back...she just couldn't stay away..

from the day you are born life trys to kick you in the bollox its not about how hard it kicks you its about how well you take the kick good to know your still around and sorry about your dad
I was wondering where you'd got to, I'm very sorry to hear the reason.

On the plus side, you definitely have writing skills, your account brought tears to my eyes so good luck with the job.
Thanks for the support folks, warms my heart to see I wasn't forgotten :love:

from the day you are born life trys to kick you in the bollox its not about how hard it kicks you its about how well you take the kick good to know your still around and sorry about your dad

Spot on! That sounds so much like my general philosophy for dealing with life's shite...it's not about what life gives you, it's what you DO with it that counts :)

I was wondering where you'd got to, I'm very sorry to hear the reason.

On the plus side, you definitely have writing skills, your account brought tears to my eyes so good luck with the job.

Thanks! It's a good thing you didn't hear the eulogy I wrote and read at the service then, you'd have been in bits ;) But popz said he didn't want people crying at his funeral so me n' my two sisters selected some funny but significant memories from our childhoods and I talked about those, when you get laughs, tears AND applause from a eulogy you know you did a good job :)
Sorry to hear of your Dad passing away @yappycat - good on you for being there for him through the treatment and to the end, he will have appreciated that a huge amount. I hope my kids are as caring for me when I get old and lame! Looking forward to seeing you back around here :)
very sad to hear of the loss of your dad @yappycat . I had been thinking the other week that i hadn't seen you on here and had missed your musings. I hope things get better for you very soon and it's great to see you back on here. Much love to you and i'm sure all on here send there best wishes to you. All the best.
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