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Vanishing wicking.

Thanks for the reply.
Humm. I thought wicking too. But the ends are not burnt, not even dark. Also no hint of dry hits.
I wick much like your vid shows. I've lost count of the vids I've watched on the subject. The only thing I haven't tried is extending the wicks into the juice tank, itself. Which seemed rather pointless considdering the lack of dry hits.
Still, I'll continue my search for a solution. And will have another look at wicking.

You won't really notice the dry hits, lack of flavour is the first hint.

but give the single coil a try, it's made me like the Pyro much more.

Extending the wicks won't help, mine is possibly a fraction too long.

Other solution is shove some SS316L coils in it and whack it into TC mode.
You won't really notice the dry hits, lack of flavour is the first hint.

but give the single coil a try, it's made me like the Pyro much more.

Extending the wicks won't help, mine is possibly a fraction too long.

Other solution is shove some SS316L coils in it and whack it into TC mode.
SS316 and TC is my next step. That's if I can master flat winding 3 core fused Clapton.
You won't really notice the dry hits, lack of flavour is the first hint.

but give the single coil a try, it's made me like the Pyro much more.

Extending the wicks won't help, mine is possibly a fraction too long.

Other solution is shove some SS316L coils in it and whack it into TC mode.
I was thinking there was a bit more cotton in that build, than I would have used.
Thing is, far from losing flavour, it intensifies just prior to the cotton breaking. Then it starts to lose flavour and show signs of drying hits.
I had the same issue with a Reload RTA and cotton bacon prime for a while, no matter the liquid. Problem was not packing enough cotton. For something like a Pyro V2, or anything with long legs and cotton capilarity dependant, it’s my go to. Just put the cotton quite tight, and brush the legs thoroughly. I’ve wicked Pyro V2’s for clients, always with CB Prime and no issue. It just likes being packed a lot tighter than other cottons. I use it in my Terk v2 which also relies on capilarity action and on a mech mod, with 0.12 coils which is a lot of power, no issues whatsoever.

I know it sounds counter intuitive but that’s been my experience. I used to have the exact same problem until I started packing as much cotton as possible through the coil. Since then, no dry hits, no cotton burning at all, no spitbacks... just pure flavour and wicking like a champ. I’ve yet to see a cotton that wicks as fast and reliable as CB prime does. Wotofo’s laces are close though, but they are really packed as well and are a nightmare to brush.
I had the same issue with a Reload RTA and cotton bacon prime for a while, no matter the liquid. Problem was not packing enough cotton. For something like a Pyro V2, or anything with long legs and cotton capilarity dependant, it’s my go to. Just put the cotton quite tight, and brush the legs thoroughly. I’ve wicked Pyro V2’s for clients, always with CB Prime and no issue. It just likes being packed a lot tighter than other cottons. I use it in my Terk v2 which also relies on capilarity action and on a mech mod, with 0.12 coils which is a lot of power, no issues whatsoever.
Interestingly I've been thinking the same thing. Nice to know.
I know it sounds counter intuitive but that’s been my experience. I used to have the exact same problem until I started packing as much cotton as possible through the coil. Since then, no dry hits, no cotton burning at all, no spitbacks... just pure flavour and wicking like a champ. I’ve yet to see a cotton that wicks as fast and reliable as CB prime does. Wotofo’s laces are close though, but they are really packed as well and are a nightmare to brush.
Most greatful for the considered reply.
To me its not "counter intuitive" at all. I've found more the one tank that likes it's coils packed and tails thinned.
It was something I was considering as the culprit.
I created an account here because I have the same exact problem

I am using an ehpro true mtl rta, TC mode (around 390degF), ss316L, single, spaced, 28awg. Atty likes cotton tight (using muji) and it is tight ( if it's loose, it spits and crackles).

Prior this, I was on coil heads. One day I switched vape shops and from then on, my coil heads needed replacing more often. So often, that it gave me the last nudge to switch to rta. I have opened one of those coil heads. Within a day of putting new coil head on, the cotton that surrounded the coil had incinerated. At the time, I thought "fake", but plugged in the code in aspire's site and it was "genuine"

It could be the liquids, it could be the base, it could be the nicotine booster. Or a combination of the 3 that releases an agent that, when heated, melts down your cotton (and incinerates coil head's cotton). I am leaning towards "an elaborate scheme by e-liquid companies to get us to replace our coil heads more often"

So far, I have been buying commercial shake n vapes. Got me some concentrated flavors for some diy e-juice.

ps: there are natural sweet juices (fruits) and then there are sucralose-based (or some other additive) juices. I have been told that sucralose is responsible for melting the cotton
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