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Vape Tax.. we all knew it was coming

This is the Treasury consultation document on duty on vapes from the post by dansus above. https://assets.publishing.service.g...15a5621/Vaping_Products_Duty_Consultation.pdf They've tried to make it all about the 'known' harmful effects of nicotine yet conveniently fail to cite what they are. The truth this is all purely about more tax revenue.

The duty rates are-
Is vaping something non smokers shouldn't do?

I don't really know how to answer that.

If my sister (who has never smoked) told me she was going to start vaping, I think I might try to discourage her because it would be a waste of money and a habit she doesn't need in her life.

More generally, I don't care... if people want to start smoking even that's no business of mine.

My only 'concern' if you want to call it that is the availability and affordability of vaping for smokers who want to switch. Those are the people that need vaping more than anyone else and those are the people I would encourage to start. Anything that might make that more difficult is a negative to me.
My only 'concern' if you want to call it that is the availability and affordability of vaping for smokers who want to switch. Those are the people that need vaping more than anyone else and those are the people I would encourage to start. Anything that might make that more difficult is a negative to me.
Essentially we will be penalised for not smoking, just because we want to use a safer alternative, but not the pharma version (which even have a reduced VAT rate of 5%!).

So Big Pharma are gonna be happy as well.
Essentially we will be penalised for not smoking, just because we want to use a safer alternative, but not the pharma version (which even have a reduced VAT rate of 5%!).

So Big Pharma are gonna be happy as well.

On reflection I think we were probably doomed when the first "including e-cigarettes" signs went up, you see them even in open outside places now. I'm not sure anything matters now. It's just speeding up the inevitable ... it would have happened eventually anyway.
On reflection I think we were probably doomed when the first "including e-cigarettes" signs went up, you see them even in open outside places now.
Yeah, they annoy the fuck out of me...

Why can't I vape at the cinema or on a plane?
Fuck 'em.
Because folks want to see the big screen and the pilot needs to see to land the fkin thing:D

We used to smoke at the cinema, they had those little 'cup' ashtrays on the back of the seats. :D ... I don't remember when they stopped that.
On reflection I think we were probably doomed when the first "including e-cigarettes" signs went up, you see them even in open outside places now.
Fairly certain any inside vaping in public venues and hospitality type settings will be banned under Labour, and in varying degrees outside in public bit as well. Psycho Streeting will probably also attempt to ban smoking/ vaping areas. I'm sick of it all - the interference.
Point being vaping will never be acceptable, we lost that argument ages ago. .... we are just slightly less flithy smokers.
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