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Vapegoo Review

glad to hear youve found something you like that doesnt break the bank.
i still wouldnt touch them again after 9 and only 2 vapable.

When did you try vapegoo ? They might have sorted the flavours out recently
I have a bottle of cookie dough that's coming up to a year old, it's a dark rum colour. Yours looked clear so I guess some steeping will help...
I have a bottle of cookie dough that's coming up to a year old, it's a dark rum colour. Yours looked clear so I guess some steeping will help...

That pic was immediately after mixing the nicotine in, its much darker now
When did you try vapegoo ? They might have sorted the flavours out recently
last 3 were just before tpd so 4 months ago. rest were a year ago and only the custard out of those 6 was any good.
last 3 were just before tpd so 4 months ago. rest were a year ago and only the custard out of those 6 was any good.

Fair enough, what was the problem with the liquids, not enough flavour ?
nope. they tasted of dish water and were rank. i ouldnt even give them away. tried 3 people and they all gave them back.
nope. they tasted of dish water and were rank. i ouldnt even give them away. tried 3 people and they all gave them back.

Oh no, that is not good. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience mate
Just had another delivery from vapegoo

gonna leave them to steep for one week
I've mixed the nicotine into all the bottles, and i keep getting bubbles rising to the top, is this the nicotine ?
Ok all the bottles seem to have mixed nicely with the nicotine, no bubbles, except one bottle has loads of bubbles at the top.. any ideas whats causing this
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