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Vapouriz Clearance sale

Ordered a load last Sunday, still not arrived. Didn't stop me ordering more just now though.
View attachment 125988

Mine were made at the start of last year. I've tried jam-nation and scream queen. Both smelt fine. Not super excited by them but then they're not really my flavour profile. The pocket fuel range was always nicer in my opinion but for a couple quid i just threw the pure evil range in to try.

I remember the strawberry shake and the blue raspberry being really nice.
The Pure Evil ones I got are really harsh.
my pure evil scream queen has a born date of 25/01/2016 and the pocket fuel has no dates an the pre evil lust has a 08/16 date.
Liking the scream queen not bad for the discount price. Will try the rest later.
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