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Was scared of batteries and high power mods. This thread changed it all.

Do you own the smok alien yourself?

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Thanks @Yoda vapes and @conanthewarrior. Reassuring. I dont vape higher than 65 with this as I think it goes trough liquid quick enough anyway lol. Also I dont want to crank it up too high and burn out my coils too fast. What does it actually mean when the display shows for example 5.5 volt? Is that what it is drawing from the batteries during firing? And I have been told the batteries are 3.7, but 4.2 when fully charged. Does this mean I have 8.4 volt available? What happens when the batteries are at say 30% left, does that mean I might not have 5.5 volt available and it wont fire?

I think I understand everything I actually NEED to know now, but I am still not really up to date on what it actually means with the volts. I could google and read about it, but I usually find information that is not 100% relevant to what I am doing and I get all confused lol. Went to electrician school first year after high school / secondary school / whatever its called here in the UK but there is a reason I did not finish it hahaha..
Thanks @Yoda vapes and @conanthewarrior. Reassuring. I dont vape higher than 65 with this as I think it goes trough liquid quick enough anyway lol. Also I dont want to crank it up too high and burn out my coils too fast. What does it actually mean when the display shows for example 5.5 volt? Is that what it is drawing from the batteries during firing? And I have been told the batteries are 3.7, but 4.2 when fully charged. Does this mean I have 8.4 volt available? What happens when the batteries are at say 30% left, does that mean I might not have 5.5 volt available and it wont fire?

I think I understand everything I actually NEED to know now, but I am still not really up to date on what it actually means with the volts. I could google and read about it, but I usually find information that is not 100% relevant to what I am doing and I get all confused lol. Went to electrician school first year after high school / secondary school / whatever its called here in the UK but there is a reason I did not finish it hahaha..

Ok, if you vape at 65W at a maximum, you are pulling just 10.43A from your batteries on a dual 18650 mod like the alien, so are well within safe limits :). (After efficiency a little more, say 11.6 but still safe).

The display is actually showing what is going to your coil/atomiser, not what is being drawn from your batteries. Your batteries will be putting in a voltage from 8.4V down to cutoff of around 6.2V, this is dependant on how much charge is left in the batteries.
The mod takes this voltage and steps it down to 5.5V in your example.

In general, the mod will be able to put out 5.5V as the amp load increases as voltage falls to compensate, and allow the 5.5V to continue to hit your atomiser, however it can only do this to a certain extent, and you may of noticed you get a message like 'Check battery' before the batteries are completely drained. This is when it can no longer produce what you are asking from the batteries, and you either need to charge them, or drop your power.

With a regulated mod, there are all sorts of protections in place, and they are pretty user friendly, and as long as you don't do anything stupid like put it in the microwave lol you will be OK.

With a mechanical mod, you are the protection so it is essential to know a lot more such as Ohms law before using one safely, but with the newer regulated mods they are aimed at newer vapers and you will be fine using one at your intended power setting.

EDIT: I do highly recommend you still read up on basic battery safety, or if are unsure ask here.
Ohms law is also another thing you can learn, although there are calculators on sites such as steam engine for this. Resistance, measured in Ohms, doesn't effect amp load on a regulated device the same way as a mech though, so can confuse things.
Just remember, it is your set wattage, divided by minimum input voltage, divided by mod efficiency if you want to calculate amp load.
Ok, if you vape at 65W at a maximum, you are pulling just 10.43A from your batteries on a dual 18650 mod like the alien, so are well within safe limits :). (After efficiency a little more, say 11.6 but still safe).

The display is actually showing what is going to your coil/atomiser, not what is being drawn from your batteries. Your batteries will be putting in a voltage from 8.4V down to cutoff of around 6.2V, this is dependant on how much charge is left in the batteries.
The mod takes this voltage and steps it down to 5.5V in your example.

In general, the mod will be able to put out 5.5V as the amp load increases as voltage falls to compensate, and allow the 5.5V to continue to hit your atomiser, however it can only do this to a certain extent, and you may of noticed you get a message like 'Check battery' before the batteries are completely drained. This is when it can no longer produce what you are asking from the batteries, and you either need to charge them, or drop your power.

With a regulated mod, there are all sorts of protections in place, and they are pretty user friendly, and as long as you don't do anything stupid like put it in the microwave lol you will be OK.

With a mechanical mod, you are the protection so it is essential to know a lot more such as Ohms law before using one safely, but with the newer regulated mods they are aimed at newer vapers and you will be fine using one at your intended power setting.

Aww man now I get the volt thingy :D Cheers man! But actually it displays 13.19A at 65W and 12.12 on 55W. How did you come up with 10.43A and 11.6? Just out of curiosity. Dont get me wrong, I am absolutely not trying to correct you in anyway as I am not the person to correct anyone about these things lol.
Aww man now I get the volt thingy :D Cheers man! But actually it displays 13.19A at 65W and 12.12 on 55W. How did you come up with 10.43A and 11.6? Just out of curiosity. Dont get me wrong, I am absolutely not trying to correct you in anyway as I am not the person to correct anyone about these things lol.
Thats OK, and no worries questioning, I completely understand!

To calculate on a regulated mod, you take your set watts, and divide by the minimum input voltage.

So, if it is a dual 18650 device, with a 6.2V cutoff, you use this.

Take 65W, and divide by 6.2V, this gives you the 10.43A.

Then, I was using 90% efficiency as an example, so take the answer you have, and divide by 0.9, this gives you 11.64A.

So, on screen is what is hitting your atomiser, including amps, you do still have to calculate the actual load on the batteries.
Aww man now I get the volt thingy :D Cheers man! But actually it displays 13.19A at 65W and 12.12 on 55W. How did you come up with 10.43A and 11.6? Just out of curiosity. Dont get me wrong, I am absolutely not trying to correct you in anyway as I am not the person to correct anyone about these things lol.
Here is the full way to do it- (Used wattage / single battery min voltage / number of batteries)/mod efficiency %

I am calculating using the batteries series voltage to miss two steps, you can use either way though and the results will be the same :).
Thats OK, and no worries questioning, I completely understand!

To calculate on a regulated mod, you take your set watts, and divide by the minimum input voltage.

So, if it is a dual 18650 device, with a 6.2V cutoff, you use this.

Take 65W, and divide by 6.2V, this gives you the 10.43A.

Then, I was using 90% efficiency as an example, so take the answer you have, and divide by 0.9, this gives you 11.64A.

So, on screen is what is hitting your atomiser, including amps, you do still have to calculate the actual load on the batteries.

Aha, I understand. When you say 6.2V cutoff, is that the mods specifications? That it will say for example check battery as you said if the batteries does not have enough power left in them? I looked in the description of the alien and it does not say anything about what the minimum cutoff voltage is so how would I know if I bought a new mod for example?

Just saw your second reply while writing this. I get the equation, thank you :) What im not sure about is the mod efficiency. How do i know that and what does it mean? God now I feel really dumb. Just endless questions lol. Sorry if its too much man, no hard feelings if you dont have time to keep answering all this haha :D And series voltage just means single battery min voltage times 2 right?
Aha, I understand. When you say 6.2V cutoff, is that the mods specifications? That it will say for example check battery as you said if the batteries does not have enough power left in them? I looked in the description of the alien and it does not say anything about what the minimum cutoff voltage is so how would I know if I bought a new mod for example?

Just saw your second reply while writing this. I get the equation, thank you :) What im not sure about is the mod efficiency. How do i know that and what does it mean? God now I feel really dumb. Just endless questions lol. Sorry if its too much man, no hard feelings if you dont have time to keep answering all this haha :D And series voltage just means single battery min voltage times 2 right?
I am using 6.2V as this is a fairly typical cutoff for my dual 18650 devices- I can't actually remember if my H-Priv cuts off at 6.2 or 6.4V though to be honest.

If you look in the instructions, a lot of mods will include the input operating voltage, I just got out my H-Priv box though and unfortunately it does not include the information.

Out of 27 regulated mods though, 6.4-6.2V seems average, and most calculations I see are done at 6.2V, as it is best to do it at the minimum as this is where amp load is at its highest.
EDIT: Sorry, so yes it is part of the mods specifications to answer that part correctly.

I am glad you get the equation, it will be helpful for any mod you get in the future :).
Now, mod efficiency. The DNA200 has a high efficiency of 97%, while the DNA75 has a 85% efficiency.

This, in part, is due to one being a buck only mod, bucking voltage is more efficient than boosting. I used 90% as an average figure for a mod stepping down voltage which will be more efficient than boosting so felt it a fair number to use. You can of course use a lower efficiency to be even safer, say 85%, and this would give you 12.33A, which is still well within the 20A CDR of a 25R.

Don't feel stupid or dumb, 2 years ago I also was a beginner and was learning about mods myself, we all have to learn! I don't mind answering as I enjoy talking on here to people and helping out where I can.

Series is a way of wiring, in which the voltage increases with each added cell- so in the aliens case yes just single battery voltage times 2 :).
I couldn't agree more mate, this forum is top shelf :) yea it was scary business all this ohm amp volt stuff hehe.. I'm super careful with putting the batteries on the charger as mine too is spring loaded and this springs are strong like!! If they had this charger and a huge supply of 18650 batteries in medieval times they could breach walls!
Man I have been so confused, and still am abit confused with what all this volt and amp stuff actually means. That the batteries are 3.7 volt and then 4.7 when fully charged etc.. and then when I vape on 55w the display shows 12 amps and 5 volts but that's after button is released. When I hold the button it's rapid up and down between 4.000-5.000 volt.. does that mean I'm putting too much demand on the battery or what? I'm still blank on a few on these things lol. Only reason I'm not really worried is because I'm pretty sure I'm not over demanding the battery at 11-12 amp, 55 watts on 0.4 ohms.. must just be that i don't understand what these volts actually means hahaha..

Great advice you've had here from wiser apes than myself, I'm as confused as you when I try to figure all this stuff out. But as has been stated previously you're using a regulated mod same as me and it won't let you fry yourself as long as you're not being a dick when you're using it. I can't get my head around all the ins and outs of this malarkey - I'm sure everything @conanthewarrior has said makes absolute perfect good sense however I may have to read those posts a few dozen times before any light shines into this thick skull :( I can understand high falutin' philosophy no probs, but put numbers in front of me and I morph into a gibbering wreck ;)
My advice to you would be not to stress too much about what those numbers on your display are all about as long as you're enjoying the vape you get from it...read up on it by all means but don't let it tie your head up in knots. Your mod and your own good sense will keep you in the safe zone :)
I am using 6.2V as this is a fairly typical cutoff for my dual 18650 devices- I can't actually remember if my H-Priv cuts off at 6.2 or 6.4V though to be honest.

If you look in the instructions, a lot of mods will include the input operating voltage, I just got out my H-Priv box though and unfortunately it does not include the information.

Out of 27 regulated mods though, 6.4-6.2V seems average, and most calculations I see are done at 6.2V, as it is best to do it at the minimum as this is where amp load is at its highest.
EDIT: Sorry, so yes it is part of the mods specifications to answer that part correctly.

I am glad you get the equation, it will be helpful for any mod you get in the future :).
Now, mod efficiency. The DNA200 has a high efficiency of 97%, while the DNA75 has a 85% efficiency.

This, in part, is due to one being a buck only mod, bucking voltage is more efficient than boosting. I used 90% as an average figure for a mod stepping down voltage which will be more efficient than boosting so felt it a fair number to use. You can of course use a lower efficiency to be even safer, say 85%, and this would give you 12.33A, which is still well within the 20A CDR of a 25R.

Don't feel stupid or dumb, 2 years ago I also was a beginner and was learning about mods myself, we all have to learn! I don't mind answering as I enjoy talking on here to people and helping out where I can.

Series is a way of wiring, in which the voltage increases with each added cell- so in the aliens case yes just single battery voltage times 2 :).

I checked the booklet that comes with it and all it said about voltage was voltage range 0.35-8V. Thank you for helping out, I also enjoy being on here talking to fellow vapers as there is alot of people on here with good knowledge who are willing to explain, and explain properly so I can understand, like yourself. So thank you for that. I kind of understand what you are saying about the efficiency but not completely. 85% efficiency does that mean it is only using 85% of the batteries capability? I think im lost again LOL god damnit! I think I get it. You are calculating with 85% of the batteries power and stay within the wattage/amps you get from that equation, to not exceed the max power the battery is capable of delivering?
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