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Was scared of batteries and high power mods. This thread changed it all.

Do you own the smok alien yourself?

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Great advice you've had here from wiser apes than myself, I'm as confused as you when I try to figure all this stuff out. But as has been stated previously you're using a regulated mod same as me and it won't let you fry yourself as long as you're not being a dick when you're using it. I can't get my head around all the ins and outs of this malarkey - I'm sure everything @conanthewarrior has said makes absolute perfect good sense however I may have to read those posts a few dozen times before any light shines into this thick skull :( I can understand high falutin' philosophy no probs, but put numbers in front of me and I morph into a gibbering wreck ;)
My advice to you would be not to stress too much about what those numbers on your display are all about as long as you're enjoying the vape you get from it...read up on it by all means but don't let it tie your head up in knots. Your mod and your own good sense will keep you in the safe zone :)

Yea man I have been able to collect some really good advice here from these absolutely brilliant people! I have so much information on here now so I am constantly going back here to read up on stuff if i forget, and using it for reference etc. I am actually starting to really understand this thanks to all the help I have gotten. Like you said yourself, I too need some time and a few extra times of reading through all this before fully understanding. But I feel this thread has become really helpfull, so might actually rename the thread so more new vapers like myself will visit the thread and get a piece of this valuable information! :)
Yeah this has turned out to be a really good thread with some excellent advice in it - I've been watching and re-reading it myself to try and see if I can make sense of the things you've been figuring your way thru. Thanks for starting it :D
I checked the booklet that comes with it and all it said about voltage was voltage range 0.35-8V. Thank you for helping out, I also enjoy being on here talking to fellow vapers as there is alot of people on here with good knowledge who are willing to explain, and explain properly so I can understand, like yourself. So thank you for that. I kind of understand what you are saying about the efficiency but not completely. 85% efficiency does that mean it is only using 85% of the batteries capability? I think im lost again LOL god damnit! I think I get it. You are calculating with 85% of the batteries power and stay within the wattage/amps you get from that equation, to not exceed the max power the battery is capable of delivering?
The instruction booklet for the H-Priv states the same range, this is actually what it can output, as if the input voltage was 0.35V your batteries would be well past saving lol.

The simplest way to think of it is two different circuits- one that is before the board, which is your actual battery amp load, and one after, which is your standard ohms law calculation and what hits the atomiser.
I like to call it 'magic the board does', but it is only a DC-DC converter really, but magic sounds better lol.

With the efficiency, in our mods we have a board, or chip as some people call it, that does all the voltage regulation, and different boards have different efficiency to others.
Some of what the battery puts in can be lost for example as heat, a 100% efficient board would be able to use all the energy from the batteries to the atomiser, but due to the way they work some energy is lost in the process.

The batteries can only provide a certain voltage within the mods specification, in this example 8.4V from full charge, down to 6.2V at cutoff. The batteries can not change the voltage they are outputting, so the board uses this input voltage, and converts it to what you want, providing the power you have set.

Sorry if it is confusing lol, but you are on the right path, you do not want to exceed your batteries rating, so for a 20A battery you do not want to pull more than 20A, so you are correct in that you do not exceed the max power the battery can provide.

It is just some boards use this energy better than others- so you may be able to run the mod slightly higher without exceeding 20A, but in reality if you are running at 65W you are well within the limits of the batteries and are perfectly safe, it would only be if you wanted to push the mod you would want to take it into account.

As @yappycat says, do not stress about the numbers on your display or anything else, as long as you are not running the mod at full power constantly you have nothing to worry about.
Even if you was doing so, you would still be pretty safe, as the protections and way the mod works should keep you safe- I don't advise doing so though, as 200/220W is a little high lol. :)
I am curious, do you folks realise the Alien has its batteries wired for series?

With the right build and high amp batteries it is quite capable of 200W on paper
I am curious, do you folks realise the Alien has its batteries wired for series?

With the right build and high amp batteries it is quite capable of 200W on paper
Yes, I am doing all my calculations for the Alien, or any dual 18650 mod :).

You can run it at full power, but at 220W even with fresh batteries that is still 26.1A before efficiency.
As I stated, you can run it at full power, as the protections should keep you safe, but in this instance at 65W it is well within a set of 25R's capabilities.

But even with 30A batteries, it would be overdrawing them at 220W. Nothing bad is likely to happen as we know from many users and we are pulsing our batteries, but to promote safety I think is important.
I'll worry about all of this when I need to - I'm using a RX200s with 3 Samsung 25r's, think the highest I've ever pushed it to is 70w or so but usually I'm hovering around 50w and below. I feel pretty safe hehe but does no harm to learn about it in the meantime so I'm happy to keep reading and learning :)
I'll worry about all of this when I need to - I'm using a RX200s with 3 Samsung 25r's, think the highest I've ever pushed it to is 70w or so but usually I'm hovering around 50w and below. I feel pretty safe hehe but does no harm to learn about it in the meantime so I'm happy to keep reading and learning :)
With the RX200, you are drawing even less amps from your batteries due to the 3S configuration, as the input voltage is higher you can really go high wattage without going over a cells CDR.

At 50W, you will be drawing only 5.78A! And that is with efficiency factored in too, I have both the RX200 and the DNA200 version, and they are very gentle on batteries even with pretty high watts.

So, your safe feeling is definitely true :).
Yes, I am doing all my calculations for the Alien, or any dual 18650 mod :).

You can run it at full power, but at 220W even with fresh batteries that is still 26.1A before efficiency.
As I stated, you can run it at full power, as the protections should keep you safe, but in this instance at 65W it is well within a set of 25R's capabilities.

But even with 30A batteries, it would be overdrawing them at 220W. Nothing bad is likely to happen as we know from many users and we are pulsing our batteries, but to promote safety I think is important.

Not having a pop at anyone's calcs here and I think you are bang on @conanthewarrior but I think a lot of people assume that dual battery mods are run parallel for safety and the mod bucks the voltage magically and the mod will never reach its full potential...but hey...who in there right mind would fully try and test a mods limit to 200W?...crazy lol[emoji1]

If anything stating a mod will go to 200W is a marketing ploy like taking the penny off the price of a product so it's £19.99 instead of 20 quid...it's all about capability and knowing it goes to 200W (which no one should even attempt) means it will work safe and effectively up to 100W say if needed.
Not having a pop at anyone's calcs here and I think you are bang on @conanthewarrior but I think a lot of people assume that dual battery mods are run parallel for safety and the mod bucks the voltage magically and the mod will never reach its full potential...but hey...who in there right mind would fully try and test a mods limit to 200W?...crazy lol[emoji1]

If anything stating a mod will go to 200W is a marketing ploy like taking the penny off the price of a product so it's £19.99 instead of 20 quid...it's all about capability and knowing it goes to 200W (which no one should even attempt) means it will work safe and effectively up to 100W say if needed.
Most multi cell regulated mods are run in series, one that I can think of that is parallel is the Istick 100, which is why it can run in either single or dual configuration.

I started to vape when regulated mods were really taking off, before that Egos didn't cut it for me, and at the time a mech seemed insane to me- far too much work!

I did have a thing for testing each of my new mods to their maximum when I first was collecting, the last time I did this was with the Xcube 2- back then my building was not the best and it was not too pleasant either at 160W lol (Although it was around 140W according to the app).

I completely agree it is a marketing ploy, it is similar to the 'loudness wars' in music, my actual qualification is a studio engineer/producer, although I only studied that at college and never fully pursued it. If you haven't heard of the loudness wars, check them out- essentially it is during mastering people trying to make albums louder than the previous, and now we just have audio waveforms that are very near clipping with no dynamic range at all. If you look at older music, quiet parts were quiet while loud parts were loud, now they are all compressed to sound the same.

In a similar way, it seemed that 150W was common, and each company tried to better the other with a higher wattage, until we eventually got to 200+W mods, that can do it, but not for long with most batteries.

The good thing is though we do have a lot of headroom, and for the most of us 100W is plenty, and we can get to this safely- with 3S mods even higher for those of us who like to work as a disco fog machine lol. (No digs at cloud chasers- I am only playing).
Looks like you got all the information I was trying to say and don't need further info lol.
I got the wismec 2/3 on the way and just going to pay more and put the 35amp rated batteries in it, that way I know there is no possible way they are going to reach the limits. Even when I do silly low builds for fun.

With regulated mods again your safe, it's just the batteries that are dangerous when misused and as I read my fellow ape said, don't put them in the microwave lol, don't carry in pocket, don't store in fire place or dashboard of car in summer. This may seem common knowledge but trust those that do will get burned eventually lol and trust me it happens.

I am a spark by trade and 1.5 cable brilliant for lights, that light has a resistance/power rating. If I was then however going to put in a huge massive spot light in its place the power has gone up and the resistance has lowered.
Same here if you lower your resistance of your coil ur power is allowed to go up (if you allow your mod to do it). Now my main point... That cable is still 240 volts but all the current and the circuit its self was rated at 3 amps meaning it is protected by your fuse board. Put in your spotlight and that cable is not designed for that level of resistance/current causing a fire or cable melting, lucky you had the protection yea? Your mod if regulated has similar features, mech mods - you fire , you get 100% power to your coil meaning you have to check your batteries are capable of the resistance you are using (just like your 3 amp cable). This is why so many get a mech mod, build a coil, fine. Buys some new coil wire and build a low ohm build and the battery goes nooooo! Too much! BANG, or vents, either way not good news.

I really hope you have listened to the guys advice and not been too put off by batteries etc, just make sure you get real ones and not fakes. Go some where like fogstar and go for 25+ amp rating and you are well away. [emoji6]

If you do want to go for builds at some point lower than let's say 0.2 ohms then there is always someone on here that will be able to tell you the lowest resistance your batteries can handle.

Get your order in and enjoy buddy[emoji6]
(BTW, wanna see ya pictures! When it comes lol)

P.S not sure if anyone has mentioned it but best to keep your batteries as a married pair, don't mix them about etc, if you get me?
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