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Was scared of batteries and high power mods. This thread changed it all.

Do you own the smok alien yourself?

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P.S not sure if anyone has mentioned it but best to keep your batteries as a married pair, don't mix them about etc, if you get me?

I have 9 batteries, a trio of threesomes.
Am I right in thinking that because polygamy is illegal in this country my naughty threesomes will just have to live in saucy sin as they cannot be married?? :hmm:
I have 9 batteries, a trio of threesomes.
Am I right in thinking that because polygamy is illegal in this country my naughty threesomes will just have to live in saucy sin as they cannot be married?? :hmm:

Lol, just call it a ceremony lol, u know one of the weddings that ain't a wedding lol.
Seriously though that's exactly what I mean 1 fine, 2 together, 3's together. Imaginary tape binds them
Wow guys, I have been at work all day and so much new to read. I never imagined there would be so much valuable text in my thread. Neither did I think I would actually have this many questions lol. But with every answer I have gotten I have new questions lol. Im on a work computer here and its abit slow, so I just cant be arsed scrolling through and quoting/replying to all the posts, I am sure you all will see my reply anyway, hopefully, lol.

Before I got the alien I was so worried about the batteries because I thought I would actually be able to vape on 200W LOL, so I wanted to make sure that I got batteries that would be able to handle it. The way I am, is like when I have something with so many settings and possibilities, I want to be able to use them all. But what is good for me is that the coil itself says 40-80w and best 55-65w, so going higher than 80 will just kill my coil. And at 80W i feel it starts to get abit hot and it drinks all my liquid in no time, so going any higher is nothing that I would want anyway. At least now I have the equations and information I need, so if I do want to test 100-120 for example, which would only be like 1-2 puffs anyway because its way too much and kind of pointless to go any higher unless im going to be in a cloud chasing competition, which I am not, haha. With my mates whatever-the-hell-he-has-from-ebay-vape and my ziggibox 40w the house looked like it was on fire haha, so running the alien at 55-80w is more than enough. As you say @Yoda vapes its important to make sure I have legit batteries, and I got the vtc4 from my local shop, but after getting home thinking abit about it I thought they looked dogdy in the box they came and all. I was abit hasty in the shop, just assuming the shop would sell real ones. But i got really doubtfull and worried, so I actually returned them and got my money back. Now I have the vtc5a from fogstar and if i dont remember it wrong, mooch says the CDR is 25amps, and MAX vape amp was 30 or something. Looking at the amps im drawing while vaping at the settings I find suitable for me.

@conanthewarrior I am glad what I said about the efficiency and your equation was right. That means I get it, and I dont know if you all remember how it is to think about these things when you know NOTHING about it, and you get all these basic explanations, but still they seem REALLY REALLY complex for myself, so when I actually understand it and are able to apply the information to my own questions it feels really good. This is absolutely something one would want to know enough about, so you dont hurt yourself when you are supposed to enjoy yourself.

Just a quick question, if i would crank my vape up to some settings that pulls more amps than the batteries deliver, could I cause an instant explosion or would they go warm really really fast and give of alot of gases and smoke for just a very short time before exploding? Just curious, I would never ever try to push the batteries as close to the limit as I can, I would rather spend a fortune on bigger batteries to take my safety precautions up a huge step before deciding to go for super high settings anyway. And as I said, 55-80 is definitely in my range. I tried 38-40 just to try it close to the wattage of the ziggibox, and going as low as that didnt really do it for me. Was less flavour and less clouds. Saves liquid tho, but I want to achieve big clouds and flavour on the cost of some liquid any day lol :D

To everyone that has commented here, I would tag you all and personally thank you for all the input and help you have given me, it has even turned out to help a lot of other people, so this is really superb you guys!! This computer is just a bit slow to scroll up and down and collect all the names between different pages, so I am just using this post to thank all of you! I really really appreciate it!! Oh and yea, im at work and surely my manager would not be happy with the time I have already spent on this post lol!!

I am going to change the title of this thread to something that makes people understand there is alot of good info in here, and I will edit my first post just to give a quick explanation of what this thread has turned out to be :)
Ok, so initial post in the thread has an edit in it, and the thread name has been changed. Hopefully this will attract new apes like myself so they also can learn what I have learned over the last few days as well! Really really helpful!!
Hehe @Carty - you're starting to tempt me to try a 250w vape on the RX200s to see if it would work...but seriously I don't think I'd get anywhere close to that as I'm guessing that the mod would either a) refuse to fire or b) it would be the most grotesquely vile vape of a lifetime..melted Cleito tank/coil...yeeeuw! I doubt very much that it would result in an instant facevaping explosion tho, but I don't think I'll ever try finding out ;)
The first firmware update I did on the RX 'upgraded' it to 250w - I remember thinking...what the heck for!? :D I think of it the way @conanthewarrior described it - it's headroom. I perhaps could use it at 250w IF I wanted to but I think of it as space for more vaping time at a lower wattage that suits me :)
VTC5A's are what I will be getting very soon from fogstar.
Yes I'm the same I want the best hit from my mod every now and then just for fun. This is done by having like stapled ribbon wire Clapton alien twisted juggernaut up ya bum hard to do coils then you go down to something like 0.05 ohms and it's just silly and would rip you juice but yea I want to have a play with that build one day too hence I would get heavy battery even when not needed everyday use.
I believe the VCT5A's go up to 35A but don't quote on that, @crustyfolker recommend them to me.

It's like having a 1000cc bike and the max speed in uk is 70? Why? Cos you know it's gonna be played with every now and then right?
Then second thought that maybe for single cell device, duel might even be able to use a 0.2 ohm? Not sure just yet as not looked too far yet
If you do want to go for builds at some point lower than let's say 0.2 ohms then there is always someone on here that will be able to tell you the lowest resistance your batteries can handle.

Forgot to ask about this. The q2 or whatever coil that is preinstalled in the alien kit is 0.4 ohm and the baby t8 is only 0.15. Do I need to rethink all i know because of that low resistance or is it still alright with the 50-80 maybe OCCASIONAL 100W i will be using?

Maybe 35A was the max vape amp from mooch and 30 was cdr then, i cant remember and cant be bothered to look it up with this computer lol :P Yea what you are saying about the 1000cc is correct hehe :P

Yea I agree with you @yappycat what the heck for hehe. After trying 80W which is the highest I have gone I realised that 200 and all these high numbers is just silly and I would need to do alot of work with better coils and blabla to even be able to enjoy it. It was getting quite dense and warm at 80 lol..

If it could instantly explode in your face this would be even scarier. Its probably possible but at super-out-of-this-world settings lol :P

At least now I have that equation I got where you calculate with 85% efficiency and all so if I want to test something silly I can at least calculate and see what it will demand of the batteries so I know up front if its a no go area or not :D

Im off for a while guys, working until 10 here so ill be on again around 11 to read replies and reply some more :) Good talking to you guys. Educational :)
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