looks good to me .. leave a good inch of leg though, wire is cheap enough and you can always trim off legs while adding length back isnt so easy
find an online coil tool that suits you, like
https://www.steam-engine.org/coil to guide you and you should be fine..
Fitting can be a pain depending on the deck but using your form (screwdriver) to hold the coil in position will give you a clue how to bend the legs to fit the deck, fit one and use the form to move the coil into position and then bend the 2nd leg to fit,
Once the coil is in place and secured Then clip off any extra leg, tho sometimes you can just bend them out of the way ..
imho its one of those things that confidence to attack it is probably the major hurdle..
when burning the coils in to check for an even heat up if not perfect just strum the coils, (drag a metal tool over the coils) just do it a few times I have no idea why but it simply works and after a few strums your coils will glow evenly when fired.. and if not keep strumming till they do..