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What is the best coil ?


Oct 12, 2016
Hi everyone I have a smok have priv kit and I would like to know what the best coil is to use I'm using the Clapton coil now and it is good but some of the homemade fluids taste is not coming through! So just wanted to ask if it is just the fluid or is there a better or perfered coil to use . Or should I get the rba coil
I vape at around 30 -40 watt and do get a lot of burn taste

Hi everyone I have a smok have priv kit and I would like to know what the best coil is to use I'm using the Clapton coil now and it is good but some of the homemade fluids taste is not coming through! So just wanted to ask if it is just the fluid or is there a better or perfered coil to use . Or should I get the rba coil
I vape at around 30 -40 watt and do get a lot of burn taste


Hey and welcome to POTV bud :).

Your tank is a TFV4 Micro. You don't mention if you have experience with vaping or if it's all still very new to you, but will assume for now it's still all very new to you and will explain things in terms that's easier for you to follow rather than using vaping jargon ;). Obviously if you already know what a lot of it means, just disregard what you already know about ;). To answer your questions, you may have one or more issues going, so will try and break it into chunks ;).

If you're using the coil that came prefitted, it should be the 0.3 ohm micro fuseed clapton (TF - CLP2)??? If yes, that coil is rated from 30 - 90 watts, so you're using it right down at the lower end of the recommended ratings. Primed properly when you first start using them and at such low wattage, your coils should last a nice long time (also depending on the liquids you use). Using a low ohm coil at lower wattage can sometimes cause a lack of flavour. So yes, a different type of coil may well be better suited to your needs.

If you're constantly getting a burnt taste as low as 30-40 watts however... How long has the current coil been in use? If it has been in there some time and you're constantly getting a burnt taste, it's definitely time for a fresh coil ;).

As for choosing what you may want to try next.... Do you vape down at 30 - 40 watts because you prefer a cooler vape and don't like the hotter vape once you start going above 40+ watts?

Smok produce a couple of coils for your tank at 1.5 ohms (the TF - T2 standard or TF -T2 Air Core versions), a much higher ohms than your present 0.3 ohm coils that require a lot less wattage. They should give you a decent flavour, a cooler vape and not quite as intense a vape compared to your current coils. They're rated from 20 - 45 watts, you may find you get on well with them at 20 - 30 watts, (or possibly even slightly under 20 watts). That's one option :).

All of the other wattage mode coils are still quite low in ohms and their rated wattage are for the most part higher than the coil you're already using. One possible option is the 0.4 ohm TF - S6 six coil, rated wattage is 30 - 100 watts. It's possible the slightly higher ohms and the extra coils could allow you to continue to use 30 - 40 watts and perhaps get a tiny bit more flavour, but it's also possible yhe extra coils could also cause a hotter more intense vapour too. I'll happily let all TFV4 owners correct me on all of my mistakes though as I don't own the kit, my advise is purely of a generalist nature :).

Otherwise, your mod is fully TC capable. TC simply meaning "Temperature Controlled". To use TC, instead of just wattage primarily controlling your vape and the heat or intensity of the vapour;. You set the desired temperature on your mod to control maximum coil temp and in turn how hot the vapour gets. Smok produce some Nickel, Titanium and SS316L coils. The SS316L (stainless steel) coils you can use in TC mode (or wattage mode like your current coils). The Nickel (Ni) or Titanium (Ti) should ONLY ever be used in TC mode NEVER wattage mode, (your Smok mod should automatically switch to the appropriate mode on sensing a new type of coil, but always double check when you install a new coil). When you install a TC coil, the mod will ask if it's a new coil or the same coil, if it is new, choose new, if used, wait for the tank to cool to room temp before putting it back on the mod and if prompted, choose same coil.

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to use the TC coils or use your mod in TC mode. However, it is definitely advisable that you at least read and reread the manual, do some brief research to understand the basics of using TC, , or ask for help to answer any questions you may have here on good old Planet of the Vapes :D. After that, just apply some common sense and there's absolutely no reason why you can't consider TC as an option :).

Using TC coils and your mod in TC mode may be an option of interest if you don't like the vapour becoming very warm or hot and you'd like to allow it to reach a set temperature and control it from increasing further. If you're still at a stage of learning where you feel you're not yet ready to vape using anything but good old wattage mode and give TC a try, then the TF - T2 standard 1.5 ohm coils may be your next best option :).

Provide some specific info on your knowledge kevels and what sort of vape you like, i.e., do you prefer a cooler or hotter vape? Do you prefer flavour over clouds? Etc, etc, it will help others guide you towards the most suitable coils :).

In the meantime, if your current coil is constantly giving you that nasty burnt taste, and all you have spare with you right now is the 0.25 ohm coil supplied with the tank. Remove the old knackered coil and put the 0.25 ohm coil in. It may not be the perfect solution, but it'll still taste and vape a damn sight better than your old coil ;). DON'T FORGET TO FULLY AND PROPERLY PRIME THE NEW COIL BEFORE USE!! IF you're unsure as to how to properly prime a coil, when you put the new coil into the tank, let it sit for at least 10 - 15 minutes before you try to vape on it!! Start off at say 20 watts, and gradually increase the wattage a couple of watts after each vape you take until you reach a wattage you're happy with.

Happy vaping :D.
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Not gonna comment on coils because your post leaves me a little uncertain as to exactly what the problem is. You say your current coil is good - BUT you're not getting the flavours thru from your homemade juice. What about the flavours on shop bought, ready mixed juice? Same problem there? Have you tried the homemade stuff on another setup to see if the flavour is the same or different?
You go on to say you get a lot of 'burn taste'...is this what's stopping you from getting the flavour from your juice or is it a separate issue?
When you say your coil is good when was this...before you started using homemade juice, or when you first started using that particular coil? If it's the latter then how long have you been using that same coil? Just think it's worth finding out before making suggestions seeing as not many folk would describe a coil as 'good' if they were consistently getting no flavour and/or burned taste so something must have changed at some point...when did your coil stop being good...have you made any changes in juice/wattage etc that may have affected the performance of the coil?
Hey and welcome to POTV bud :).

Your tank is a TFV4 Micro. You don't mention if you have experience with vaping or if it's all still very new to you, but will assume for now it's still all very new to you and will explain things in terms that's easier for you to follow rather than using vaping jargon ;). Obviously if you already know what a lot of it means, just disregard what you already know about ;). To answer your questions, you may have one or more issues going, so will try and break it into chunks ;).

If you're using the coil that came prefitted, it should be the 0.3 ohm micro fuseed clapton (TF - CLP2)??? If yes, that coil is rated from 30 - 90 watts, so you're using it right down at the lower end of the recommended ratings. Primed properly when you first start using them and at such low wattage, your coils should last a nice long time (also depending on the liquids you use). Using a low ohm coil at lower wattage can sometimes cause a lack of flavour. So yes, a different type of coil may well be better suited to your needs.

If you're constantly getting a burnt taste as low as 30-40 watts however... How long has the current coil been in use? If it has been in there some time and you're constantly getting a burnt taste, it's definitely time for a fresh coil ;).

As for choosing what you may want to try next.... Do you vape down at 30 - 40 watts because you prefer a cooler vape and don't like the hotter vape once you start going above 40+ watts?

Smok produce a couple of coils for your tank at 1.5 ohms (the TF - T2 standard or TF -T2 Air Core versions), a much higher ohms than your present 0.3 ohm coils that require a lot less wattage. They should give you a decent flavour, a cooler vape and not quite as intense a vape compared to your current coils. They're rated from 20 - 45 watts, you may find you get on well with them at 20 - 30 watts, (or possibly even slightly under 20 watts). That's one option :).

All of the other wattage mode coils are still quite low in ohms and their rated wattage are for the most part higher than the coil you're already using. One possible option is the 0.4 ohm TF - S6 six coil, rated wattage is 30 - 100 watts. It's possible the slightly higher ohms and the extra coils could allow you to continue to use 30 - 40 watts and perhaps get a tiny bit more flavour, but it's also possible yhe extra coils could also cause a hotter more intense vapour too. I'll happily let all TFV4 owners correct me on all of my mistakes though as I don't own the kit, my advise is purely of a generalist nature :).

Otherwise, your mod is fully TC capable. TC simply meaning "Temperature Controlled". To use TC, instead of just wattage primarily controlling your vape and the heat or intensity of the vapour;. You set the desired temperature on your mod to control maximum coil temp and in turn how hot the vapour gets. Smok produce some Nickel, Titanium and SS316L coils. The SS316L (stainless steel) coils you can use in TC mode (or wattage mode like your current coils). The Nickel (Ni) or Titanium (Ti) should ONLY ever be used in TC mode NEVER wattage mode, (your Smok mod should automatically switch to the appropriate mode on sensing a new type of coil, but always double check when you install a new coil). When you install a TC coil, the mod will ask if it's a new coil or the same coil, if it is new, choose new, if used, wait for the tank to cool to room temp before putting it back on the mod and if prompted, choose same coil.

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to use the TC coils or use your mod in TC mode. However, it is definitely advisable that you at least read and reread the manual, do some brief research to understand the basics of using TC, , or ask for help to answer any questions you may have here on good old Planet of the Vapes :D. After that, just apply some common sense and there's absolutely no reason why you can't consider TC as an option :).

Using TC coils and your mod in TC mode may be an option of interest if you don't like the vapour becoming very warm or hot and you'd like to allow it to reach a set temperature and control it from increasing further. If you're still at a stage of learning where you feel you're not yet ready to vape using anything but good old wattage mode and give TC a try, then the TF - T2 standard 1.5 ohm coils may be your next best option :).

Provide some specific info on your knowledge kevels and what sort of vape you like, i.e., do you prefer a cooler or hotter vape? Do you prefer flavour over clouds? Etc, etc, it will help others guide you towards the most suitable coils :).

In the meantime, if your current coil is constantly giving you that nasty burnt taste, and all you have spare with you right now is the 0.25 ohm coil supplied with the tank. Remove the old knackered coil and put the 0.25 ohm coil in. It may not be the perfect solution, but it'll still taste and vape a damn sight better than your old coil ;). DON'T FORGET TO FULLY AND PROPERLY PRIME THE NEW COIL BEFORE USE!! IF you're unsure as to how to properly prime a coil, when you put the new coil into the tank, let it sit for at least 10 - 15 minutes before you try to vape on it!! Start off at say 20 watts, and gradually increase the wattage a couple of watts after each vape you take until you reach a wattage you're happy with.

Happy vaping :D.
Wow ok that's a lot of information, but it's what I needed I'm using the 0.25 coil and it's weird the flavor is great at first then after 2 or 3 goes it's a slight burn taste which goes away so I don't think I'm doing anything wrong to the coil . Yes I don't like a hot vape so I keep the watts down . Didn't know the lower the ohms the more watts so will be trying the higher ohm coil not sure I am ready for the temp coil for now

But thank you for all the info and help it explained everything
Wow ok that's a lot of information, but it's what I needed I'm using the 0.25 coil and it's weird the flavor is great at first then after 2 or 3 goes it's a slight burn taste which goes away so I don't think I'm doing anything wrong to the coil . Yes I don't like a hot vape so I keep the watts down . Didn't know the lower the ohms the more watts so will be trying the higher ohm coil not sure I am ready for the temp coil for now

But thank you for all the info and help it explained everything

You're welcome bud :).

Yup, those low ohm coil heads with multiple coils packed in there is a fair amount of Kanthal wire that needs heating up lol ;). To get the best out of high mass low ohm Kanthal coils a fair amount of wattage is generally required. Hence the rating for up to 100 watts. I'd imagine they'd need a good 50 - 60 watts before the flavour started to get somewhere near half decent, but that will indeed produce a pretty warm vape which isn't for everyone. Personally I don't like a hot vape either, so I use TC a lot for my vaping, but that's just me ;).

Your best option probably will be the higher 1.5 ohm coils and vape them for a while at a more comfortable lower wattage. The standard core 1.5 ohm version may be more preferable to you than the air core version too. TC is always there as an option when you feel you may be ready to try it in the future. Remember, it's not rocket science, and a masters degree in engineering, electronics or physics isn't required lol ;). Cover some simple basics and you can get the relevant coils and give it a try when you're ready and you have a very good mod with excellent options for TC too :).

It's definitely worth having a surf about online and read sone informative posts on the forum if you're just idling whilst having a quiet vape lol, (there's a specific TC sub section on the forum you could visit and read some posts of others asking for help, etc). Alternatively, search online using search terms such as TC vaping, TC vaping for newbs, what is TC vaping?, and hopefully you'll get some easily understandable info to read and check out the basics of what TC vaping is and what it does. It's nothing to be scared of and for those who don't like a hotter vape it's absolutely ideal. It's apidly growing in popularity and many newer decent quality mods now all have the full TC and TCR features built in as standard and an increasing range of TC coils are becoming available too :).

Regarding this issue of you getting a burnt taste after 2 or 3 vapes!!! That's not ideal obviously. Am presuming you took the advice to let the coil stand for a decent period to allow the wicking to fully saturate before you used it yes??

Are you chain vaping? I.e., taking several vapes rapidly one after another??
If you're vaping too quickly before the wicking has had time to absorb and saturate between vapes, this could cause the issue you're getting. Leave a decent pause between vapes to allow your wicking to catch up. You don't need to wait long, just have a slight pause and give the cotton a chance lol :).

Otherwise, if you're already allowing sufficient time, it's odd that you keep getting a burnt taste at such low wattage!!!. The only other possibility I can think of is;. As previously mentioned, there's a lot of Kanthal wire in those large coil heads. At a lower wattage, it's possible some liquid isn't cleanly vapourising as intended, instead a small quantity it's burning on the coil. Ideally, we really need some past and present TFV4 or TFV4 Micro owners to share their own direct experiences as to other possibilities and to correct me too :)!! Hopefully some of them will spot this and help. I honestly can't remember, but @MrDJ might have had a TFV4 of one variety? He might be able to correct me and shed some light on this for you :). I know he has a G and/or H Priv, so he may have your kit. I've tagged him so hopefully he can have a scan and offer some insight :).
Didn't know the lower the ohms the more watts so will be trying the higher ohm coil not sure I am ready for the temp coil for now

Ohms are a measure of the resistance of the coil, it's this resistance (to electricity flow) that makes the coil get hot, that's why less resistance (lower ohms) needs more power to make the coil heat up, and higher resistance in the coil needs less power.
as always some excellent advice there @Arctic_Wolf

ive not used the tfv4 for a couple of months now as much prefering the crown 1 & 2 but when i did use it i only used the TF-Q4 at 50-60watts and only used one flavor in it and it was full on flavor and coils were lasting a good 3 weeks with no burnt hits what so ever but then i was running mine quite low.
full list of tfv4 coils http://www.smoktech.com/atomizer/tfv4-big-family
TF T3 triple 0.2ohm = 40-130w
TF Q4 quad 0.15 ohm = 40-140w

oh, hang on a minute. which tank are you using @hotc25 as youve not mentioned above.
as you mention 0.25 and the only 0.25 coils i use are in the crowns.

im almost asleep at my computer as been such a manic day at hospital today me need sleep so if i dont reply it will not be until tomorrow,
Sorry not 0.25 but 0.27 the tank is the micro tvf4 tank the 0.27 is what is showing on the screen

OK so I will try vaping at a higher watt and see what it's like , was always scared to burn the coil
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ahh, no worries. not used one of them but as mentioned above ive used its bigger brother.
so im not sure how they really compare.

there are plenty of smok kit users who got that tank with their mods so hopefully they can advise better than me.
Thank you everyone for all the help and information, think I know a lot more now and will order the tc coils but just try the higher watts now and think I'm vaping to fast after each other or I'm holding the trigger in to long
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