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"People are too quick to divorce these days"

quote of the day right there

To true mate.
I got married at 21, bought a house, and a year later she buggered off.
After a few years I met another girl, I got married again, and we have been together for about 30 years now. :)

Maybe because people are too quick to get married these days? :hmm:
Maybe because people are too quick to get married these days? :hmm:

In my opinion yes.
When my second wife said she wanted to get married my answer was.
"tried it once, didn't work out, live with me for a year, and if you still feel the same we will" :)

If my daughter came home, ans said she wanted to get married, I would say the same to her, live with the guy for a year, and see if you still feel the same.
In my opinion yes.
When my second wife said she wanted to get married my answer was.
"tried it once, didn't work out, live with me for a year, and if you still feel the same we will" :)

If my daughter came home, ans said she wanted to get married, I would say the same to her, live with the guy for a year, and see if you still feel the same.

I think I'd go even further. Apparently the average relationship lasts for around 2 1/2 years. If you've found "the one" then you'll be together forever anyway so what does it matter if you wait a while to get married? If they're not "the one" it's not going to last anyway so why bother getting married only to divorce? My advice to anyone would be to live together for 2 years then get engaged and have a year long engagement. If you're still together in 3 years you've already done better than most so go ahead and get married because if you still feel the same way 3 years in you stand a pretty good chance of making it for the long haul.

Obviously that's not going to appeal to everybody but it would save a hell of a lot of divorces.
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