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Which Dripping Atty?

That's a brilliant diagram lol. Thanks for posting it. I've now given it a wash, wriggled a pin into the hole and lined up the air hole as suggested. Washing it really helped as it's brand new and I haven't changed the wick yet. And that's something i'll have to Youtube, good job it came with a couple of spares. I'm using a Vamo and fiddling with the settings to get a decent lug on it. 4v seems OK

It's certainly a bit better now, thanks to all for the good advice!
That's a brilliant diagram lol. Thanks for posting it. I've now given it a wash, wriggled a pin into the hole and lined up the air hole as suggested. Washing it really helped as it's brand new and I haven't changed the wick yet. And that's something i'll have to Youtube, good job it came with a couple of spares. I'm using a Vamo and fiddling with the settings to get a decent lug on it. 4v seems OK

It's certainly a bit better now, thanks to all for the good advice!

Are you talking about the UD igo-l or the fasttech as the UD does not come pre coiled?

If its the fasttech one I have seen comments saying the air hole is too large and some saying its too small so I would put it down too quality control.
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Are you talking about the UD igo-l or the fasttech as the UD does not come pre coiled?

If its the fasttech one I have seen comments saying the air hole is too large and some saying its too small so I would put it down too quality control.
Got it from Fasttech. Actually they were so cheap I got two.
The fasttech ones are clones of the UD igo-l.

I have one my self air suction is fine actually its more airy then the UD igo-l you might be best just drilling the air hole a little bit.
I got an "official" igo L and two of the fasttech ones. Although the top caps are not interchangeable with each other, the clones seem to work as well as the original.
First thing I did tho was get rid of the pre made coils.
Hehe, I just got a drawing app on my phone lol. Here is my attempt at showing you where I find best to have the wicks and the air hole.

I swear I've seen that style of images somewhere else on this forum before...
I got an "official" igo L and two of the fasttech ones. Although the top caps are not interchangeable with each other, the clones seem to work as well as the original.
First thing I did tho was get rid of the pre made coils.

The coils are the wicks? So if learned how to make my own i'd unscrew the little screws and fit a home made one in? Or am I being dim and the coils are actually um....coils of some sort? Sorry for the questions.
The coils is the wire coiling around the wick.

EDIT so yes you would unscrew the screws and make a new wick and coil and replace the crappy stock coil that comes with the igo-l :)
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Thanks for the advice guys. I've poked and wiggled, lined the airhole up and am going to stick with it.

randomly reading threads I chanced upon this quote and thought, mmmmm, must read more!! I was a little disappointed to realise it was about re-wicking...........
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