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Which Dripping Atty?

The coils are the wicks? So if learned how to make my own i'd unscrew the little screws and fit a home made one in? Or am I being dim and the coils are actually um....coils of some sort? Sorry for the questions.

Sorry. I got rid of the wicks and coils. The coils are made from resistance wire (I use .2 kanthal wire) wrapped around silica wicks which then fasten to the posts with the screws on. The fasttech igos come as a dual coil setup but in my opinion they perform better with one coil.
Sorry. I got rid of the wicks and coils. The coils are made from resistance wire (I use .2 kanthal wire) wrapped around silica wicks which then fasten to the posts with the screws on. The fasttech igos come as a dual coil setup but in my opinion they perform better with one coil.

I just rewicked my IGO-L for the first time. Yay me. Went for the single coil as you suggested but i'm still not happy with the 'draw', I do prefer it a bit airier. Is it OK to just swap juices once you're 'dry' and need a top up?
I just rewicked my IGO-L for the first time. Yay me. Went for the single coil as you suggested but i'm still not happy with the 'draw', I do prefer it a bit airier. Is it OK to just swap juices once you're 'dry' and need a top up?
Yes I do. Sometimes it may take a while for the second flavour to come through if the first flavour was stronger. It's also a good way of experimenting with flavours too, if you're into mixing your own juices.
Yes I do. Sometimes it may take a while for the second flavour to come through if the first flavour was stronger. It's also a good way of experimenting with flavours too, if you're into mixing your own juices.
I got my igo l today but been extremely busy today and not tested let me know how you got on :D
OK, an update.

I've solved the 'draw' problem by using a different drip tip. Got one from Vapeescape, slung it on and hey presto! MUCH better. I'm now making wicks like a bastard, doing them in batches and everyone was right, it's easy peasy.

A couple of questions........I'm using 2mm wick. I read somewhere that 3mm is better, but it's not so easy to get hold of. Worth the bother? Finally, wicks made out of Ekowool. Does anyone use this and if so, is it an improvment on the more common silica wicks?

I know I said 'finally' above but it just occured to me to ask. I bought some 'Wizmix' Primal Ice Cream from eCigwizard just for shits and giggles and quite like it. Anyone recommend any other ice creamy flavours?

I'd like to thank everyone for their patience and help thus far, you've made the journey much easier and enjoyable than it would otherwise have been!

God I love vaping.
Try stealthvape for 3mm silica. They sell ekowool as well. Some people swear by it but I didn't rate it personally.
Try stealthvape for 3mm silica. They sell ekowool as well. Some people swear by it but I didn't rate it personally.
Cheers, I got my head around the search function and read all about it, I guess it's all about personal taste. Thanks for the link!
I've been very pleased with my igo l after drilling out the air hole slightly. My personal preference is a loose draw. I did the same to my igo w and it vapes well with dual coils. If you go down the dual coil route just make sure you wrap two equal coils of at least 3 ohms to avoid dropping below the low ohm limit of the vamo
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