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Who had aliens down for 2020 ?

What if all of this is just a dream.
If we go home and go to sleep will we be okay when we wake up in the morning?
What if all of this is just a dream.
If we go home and go to sleep will we be okay when we wake up in the morning?

We did all come here from outer space because we are all products of 'The Big Bang'.

As for life on Mars, they think it's unlikely there's any life there now but they think there may have been in the past when there was still water flowing on the surface of Mars. NASA's Atlas V rocket with the Perseverance Rover is due to launch soon as they have picked out the place on Mars where they think they have the best chance of finding some evidence of fossilised life.
Some people believe there are many universes and ours could have been born from an exploding Super Massive Star tearing a hole in the fabric of space and time.

Personally, I like the idea we all evolved from a banana.
Some people believe there are many universes and ours could have been born from an exploding Super Massive Star tearing a hole in the fabric of space and time.

Personally, I like the idea we all evolved from a banana.

I think we all evolved from an apple.
Adam and Eve with that poxy snake in the garden of eden kicking an apple around.
I love Cider.
The French make Calvados.
The yanks love mum's home made Apple pie, and Apple Jack.
Can't all be coincidence.
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