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Wire gauge

Maybe something to do with generally being more space around the coils and more cotton? Maybe somebody with some scientific background could expand.
I found my power settings gradually crept up when I started using RDA's. Used to be quite happy at 11-12W on a tank but routinely use 35 on a dripper (both on almost identical coils - 26 or 28AWG Kanthal at around .5 or .6) Doesn't really make sense but there it is.
Airflow - more airflow cools the coils more quickly, hence the need to increase the power level to compensate...
That's interesting. It's obviously a lot more significant than you would think.
It's one of a number of factors, but is the main one affecting power levels, wire mass (How much and how thick) affects both required power and ramp up / down time whilst chamber size affects power level and to varying extents the ramp up/ down time - smaller chambers require less heat input to raise to the required temperature as well as heating up and cooling down at different rates depending on thermal mass of the coil as they insulate more effectively than large chambers when there is no airflow. Atty wall thickness has no significant effect on power levels but does affect ramp up / down time. There are also effects on both power and ramp times from the way and direction air flow reaches the coil and leaves but thats more for someone conversant in computational fluid dynamics to explain...
This is all really interesting, especially just at the minute when I am gravitating toward smaller tanks with smaller chambers and less airflow, thinner wire and lower wattage. It all makes sense. Thanks.
If you get the oppotunity pick up a Heron by Vapourart, theres no finer MTL atty IMHO and I'm sure there are a fair few Heron owners who'd agree - unfortunately they're rarer than hens teeth as no one want's to let go of them once they've got one...
I'll definitely look into it. I picked up a doggy styled sxk clone a while back, and am loving this little thing. 2 18350 last me the whole day at 12-13 watts, in the ehpro 101 tube mod.
Also waiting for a skyline to arrive. Unfortunately I can't really afford to buy og with these high end tanks, maybe when I find my perfect tank I'll save a bit and shell out for the original if I can.

*edited for typo, and to add: just done a bit of googling, I'm definitely going to see if I can pick one of these up at some point I think. *
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